Facebook will use artificial intelligence to predict if COVID-19 patients will need more care | The State

Some people infected with the coronavirus have trouble breathing or experience shortness of breath.
Luca Sammarco / Pexels
Facebook is using artificial intelligence to help doctors predict whether they will need more resources to care for COVID-19 patients in hospitals., resources such as extra oxygen.
The social network said on Friday it developed two artificial intelligence models – one based on a single chest X-ray and another from a series of X-rays – that could help predict whether a coronavirus-infected patient is likely to get worse.
Further, have a third model that predicts the amount of extra oxygen a covid-19 patient might need.
Facebook’s AI models, in general, did a better job than a human when it came to forecasting up to four days in advance whether a patient will need more intensive care resources.
“These predictions could help physicians avoid sending at-risk patients home too early and help hospitals better predict supplemental oxygen demand and other limited resources,” Facebook said, according to CNET.
In partnership with New York University Langone Health’s Predictive Analysis Unit and Radiology Department, Facebook’s artificial intelligence research is another example of how tech companies are trying to help the healthcare industry to combat covid-19.
It should be remembered that some people infected with the new coronavirus have trouble breathing or experience shortness of breath. Hospitals in some areas, like Los Angeles, are reportedly running out of oxygen needed to help COVID-19 patients.
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