5 tips to organize your home easily and quickly | The State
Those who live alone will realize how difficult it can be to tidy up the house to make it more presentable for a special occasion. According to Bioguía, it is not necessary that we spend the day cleaning if we take into account a few simple tips.
Tidying up the house would be easier for us if we try not to “have everything” in it, if we can make it an everyday habit, and also if we have a specific place for everything we have. We will detail this and more below.
1. Don’t have everything
A common mistake we all make is having some things around the house that we probably don’t need, but that we possess under the belief that they will be useful to us at some point. In this way, there are things that we will never use and that also take up space.
This being the case, it is important identify those things that are not useful to us and get rid of them to make room for what we do use or that is more likely to be used in the short or medium term.
This can be difficult to do if you have a certain attachment to the things that are going to be thrown away, but it is important consider all the benefits of doing so.
2. Learn from others
If your friends are more successful than you are keeping their house tidy, you can easily ask them how they do it and what principles they take into account when ordering, clean, and when choosing what to throw away and keep.

3. A place for everything
Indeed, it is important that we decide a specific place in which to have each object. By doing this we will avoid having a real mess in our homes where we have, for example, personal hygiene products displayed in the middle of the kitchen.
4. Get in the habit
You are not going to become a super organized person overnight. This is a change that takes time to materialize, and that is built through continuous practice.
By dedicating part of your day to tidying up and cleaning your house, in the short or medium term you will develop a cleaning habit with which you will speed up your performance, and it will make cleaning and tidying up less unnatural and laborious for you.
5. Start now
Organize and order your house as soon as possible. Postponing the change will make it harder to take, which also delays the benefits that it can bring in your life.
We can become orderly people if we want to and if we dedicate ourselves to it. It takes some effort to achieve it, but that effort will be well rewarded as time passes and you see what you have achieved.
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