Key facts about the upcoming $ 1,400 stimulus check | The State

IRS would send the new assistance by direct deposit, check, or debit card.
The president-elect Joe biden confirmed that part of its economic stimulus plan against coronavirus includes a check for $ 1,400 per person.
Why not 2,000?
The $ 1.9 billion financial aid package that, in terms of the direct fund to families, combines the $ 600 dollars already sent, to add $ 2,000.
That was the original plan championed by Democrats, after the president Donald trump said he wanted a check for $ 2,000, but it was rejected by Republicans.
The Democratic leader in the Senate, Charles schumer (New York), even managed in his speech that his bench, once the majority assumed, would present the plan to grant a new aid check “up to” $ 2,000.
Will it be approved soon?
The project will be presented as soon as the new Legislature begins, Schumer announced two weeks ago.
Both that leader in the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy pelosi (California), said they were ready for it to be approved as soon as possible.
Although endorsement problems are not projected in the House, in the Senate things could be different, despite the Democratic majority, which is minimal, since the seats are 50-50, but the vice president Kamala harris she grants an extra vote as president of the Senate.
At least 60 votes are required to endorse the $ 1.9 trillion plan, but there are some Republicans who have already advanced their endorsement.
Who is eligible?
Those eligibility levels are likely to be similar to those used in the last two rounds of direct assistance.
That is, the people who would receive the full amount are those who earn a maximum of $ 75,000 and couples with a maximum income of $ 150,000 per year, who will be awarded $ 2,800.
Once the maximum income limits were exceeded, Americans would receive less aid.
When will the check arrive?
Due to the structure established with the CARES Act, after the approval of the $ 600 dollars, the sending of funds occurred in less than a week, for those who provided banking information.
Checks and debit cards began to be forwarded by IRS a week later and they are still in process.
If the new aid is approved soon, the shipment of the $ 1,400 dollars could have the same schedule.