Impact of Catholic Charities Immigrant and Refugee Services Division in 2020 | The State

More than 1,000 unaccompanied children received legal guidance while in detention.
PAUL RATJE / AFP via Getty Images
The Immigrant and Refugee Services division of Charities Catholic She is proud of the help and hope given to newcomers to the United States in this difficult year. Our work continues — the work of the agency’s staff, its volunteers, partners, and the communities we serve — as together we strive to build a more just and compassionate society.
Impact of Immigrant and Refugee Services in 2020
- 21,559 vulnerable immigrants and refugees were provided with integration, legal or resettlement assistance.
- 22,106 immigrants attended face-to-face or virtual information / orientation sessions, workshops and trainings.
- 75,051 calls or emails for help and referrals were responded to quickly with accurate information and in multiple languages.
- 9,791 unaccompanied children and adults received expert immigration legal advice and were protected from possible exploitation.
- 1,163 newcomers learned English and civics.
- 4,465 adults and children were provided with legal representation.
- 581 people who are the breadwinners of their families were helped to obtain authorization to work.
- 1,911 individuals were reunited with their families, granted permanent status, received citizenship, obtained protection, or were able to secure legal status.
- 1,129 unaccompanied children received legal guidance while in detention.
- 611 refugees and asylees were provided with employment and resettlement support.
For immigration assistance please call our New American Immigration Hotline at 1-800-566-7636.
– Attorney C. Mario Russell is the director of the Department of Immigrants and Refugees of Catholic Charities