5 safety tips for choosing the best car seat for your car | The State
Carrying our baby in the car requires us to have a baby chair on hand to maximize your safety. Even so, as Cuídate Plus indicates, it is likely that our offspring will not be entirely safe if we do not follow certain safety guidelines.
We will detail some tips that you should keep in mind when thinking about the most suitable seat for your baby when traveling by car. We will also talk about the Isofix system, which is related to the characteristics of the chairs.
1. Examine whether the chair fits the baby’s weight / size
First of all, it is important confirm that the chair that we are going to buy fits adequately the characteristics of the child. It will be useless if this chair is visually pleasing if it does not fulfill its main function, which is to protect the child.
This can be done in the same store if they allow you to place your baby in the chair and test the fit of the product. There are stores that even they could let you take the seat for a ride in your vehicle, allowing you to have a better idea of the usefulness of the chair.
2. Confirm that the chair is homologated with the official regulations
The above is easier to do if we observe that the chair we choose is homologated with the regulations corresponding to baby seats. In this way we will know that the chair has passed safety tests and that it is safe to use.
On the other hand, it is also important to verify that the chair is compatible with our vehicle through factors such as type of installation, space, recline angle, floor storage compartment, and other factors.

3. Buy a chair for a long age range
A baby seat for a very short age range will be perfectly designed and structured for that particular age range.
However, a chair prepared for a wider range You will be able to protect older babies as well as smaller babies with reducers, foam rubber elements that fill the free spaces.
4. Purchase a chair with the Isofix system
The Isofix connection is a standard car seat attachment system. It is present in the vast majority of vehicles on the market, and was created to facilitate the installation of this type of seat in automobiles.
Its main objective is to reduce the chances of the chair being installed incorrectly thanks to the fact that the chairs with Isofix have indicators that detect if the chair was installed correctly or not.
5. Confirm that the harness is properly fitted
The ideal harness slack should allow place fingertips between harness system and baby’s body.
There are many factors that you must take into consideration with the car seat. baby for the car. It is a relatively long process, but one that must be taken to provide them with the maximum possible security.
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