Apple could build its first electric car with the help of Hyundai and compete with Tesla | The State

Hyundai acquired 80 percent of robot firm Boston Dynamics in December.
Thomas Lohnes / Getty Images
Hyundai assured through a statement that it was in the initial stage of conversations with Manzana to develop a electric vehicle.
The Korean automaker revealed the news shortly after The Korea Economic Daily said the two companies were in the development of building batteries and electric cars. However, the statement of the Asian company had to be replaced by another in which Hyundai mentions that it was in talks “with potential partners”, without directly mentioning Manzana.
Despite the mistake, the shares of the car company grew 20 percent after the initial announcement, the BBC reported on Friday, firing at $ 9 billion the value of the company.
Until now it was unknown who would be the company with which Manzana would develop a car as it might be difficult for the tech giant to assemble them on its own.
Rumors about the possibility of creating a “Apple Car “ They have been in circulation since 2014, but the company has made no public statements. Apple hired in 2018 Doug field, who worked on Tesla, to supervise the automotive team of the company called “Titan Project”, as reported by Reuters, however, last year it fired almost 200 employees of the team.
Related: Now your iPhone will become the key to your next car.
The Korean newspaper reported that the so-called “Titan Project” of Manzana aims to increase the vehicle range at much lower cost than that allowed by current technology offered by batteries, as well as having greater self-driving capabilities.
If Manzana be successful, this would challenge Tesla, Elon Musk’s company, in the electric vehicle market.
Hyundai founded an autonomous driving company with Aptiv, an Irish supplier of automotive components. In December 2020, the company assumed control of Boston Dynamics, the company that created the robot dog “Spot” and the humanoid called “Atlas”, in more than $ 921 million As reported The Korea Economic Daily.
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