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Ivanka Trump calls those who cause chaos in Washington "patriots" and then deletes the tweet | The State

Ivanka Trump calls those who cause chaos in Washington

Ivanka Trump said in another message that “violence is unacceptable.”


Ivanka Trump, retweeted a post from his father, President Donald Trump, with a message calling “American patriots” who wreak havoc in Washington. The also adviser to the outgoing president deleted the tweet shortly after publishing it.

“American patriots, any any breach of security or lack of respect for law enforcement authorities is unacceptable “wrote Ivanka Trump. “The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful, “he added in the deleted message.

The president’s daughter deleted the message after pressure from Twitter users who attacked her for using the term “patriot”.

When asked for clarification also through the social network, Ivanka Trump responded by saying that “peaceful protests are patriotic. Violence is unacceptable and must be condemned in the strongest terms ”.


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