Saira Khan 'heading to bed with a fag and drinks' after bemoaning weight gain
Saira Khan has capped a life-changing few days by saying that she is taking cigarettes and alcohol to bed after a third national lockdown was announced.
The 50-year-old had announced that she was quitting Loose Women in a statement over the weekend, in which she said that time at home during the pandemic had led to her reassessing her life.
The former Apprentice star decided that concentrating on her skin care products and looking for new opportunities in the media was going to be her way forward.
This may have been scuppered a little on Monday evening, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced another lockdown and Saira responded with her usual caustic humour.
Posting alongside a pic of the letter “FFS”, the TV personality wrote: “I’m having a drink, a packet of biscuits, a fag and going to bed without taking my makeup off – and i’m blaming Boris!!”

(Image: Saira Khan/Instagram)
She then countered that by writing: “Actually, out of all those things, I really can’t go to bed without taking my makeup off – the thought of it brings me out in a rash.
“2021 – WTF are you playing at!!
“Seriously though, we’ve been here before. I’m so grateful that my family and friends are safe.”
Saira then shared a message of hope for the future, as she continued: “I get through this by focussing on what I have, what I can control and how I can help others.
“There is light at the end of this tunnel and we’re in a better position as we have the vaccine.
“Right then, homeschooling here I come.”

(Image: Saira Khan/Instagram)
Among the hundreds of replies, TV star Jenny Powell responded, writing: “That’s so funny ! I’m right behind you all the way (oh actually no .. I’m not allowed) Currently looking at living elsewhere .. Southern Hemisphere is a possibility.”
Previously, Saira had revealed that she was having a few problems with fitting back into some of her garments after enjoying ‘roast potatoes and mince pies’ over the festive period.
While she bemoaned that this was not an ideal situation, she told her fans that she would be looking to lose this gain within in the next three months, and shared a message of positivity for 2021.
“How the heck did that happen? I only had a few roast tatties and a mince pie and I can’t get into my clothes!”
She then told her fans that this was not a time to get despondent and that it is “not the end of the world” if a few pounds have been added over Christmas.
Saira continued: “But if you find yourself in this position today, after indulging and enjoying the festive break relaxing – then please do not BEAT YOURSELF UP about it.
“You are not FAT, a failure, ugly, or anything else that is negative. Yes you’ve gained a few pounds and you feel uncomfortable – it’s not the end of the world.
“I know how you’re feeling this morning.”

(Image: Saira Khan/Instagram)
Saira added: “Ok, the easiest thing to do would be to throw this jumpsuit away and get a bigger size.
But I love a challenge and so I’m going to focus on getting this jumpsuits Zipped up in 3 months time without dieting, depriving, going without and looking miserable.
“I’m going to do it with a smile on my face, written goals, portion control, being more active and being mindful and honest with myself. I’m not going to stress.
“I’m going to enjoy focussing on a goal, connecting with the power of my own self control, rewarding myself with self care and being motivated by others on the same journey.”
The former Loose Women panelist admitted that it was going to be a rollercoaster journey.
She continued: “I know I’m going to have good and bad days, and on the bad days, I’m going to focus on feeding my brain with positive images, messages and talk to my friends that will listen and motivate.
“I’m going to share on here my journey to ‘Zip it up’ – I’ll share my eating plan, my activities and do a daily plan on ‘how I’m feeling’.
“It’s all free . So let’s get started. See my Insta stories everyday daily motivation.
“New start, feeling and looking the best we can for a happy, healthy body and mind.”
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