Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE, pens letter: 2021 marks 15th year of ascension of the Dubai Ruler

Image Credit: Twitter/Dubai Media Office
Dubai: January 4, 2021, will mark the 15th anniversary of the rule of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.
On this occasion, Sheikh Mohammed took to Twitter to share his message with the UAE people, recalling the achievements made by the UAE over the years, with a tweet that reads: “Brothers and sisters …the people of the UAE… In 2021, we will complete 15 years in the leadership of the UAE government … we have worked to achieve the vision of my brother, President of the UAE and we spared no efforts to serve the people of the UAE …
In the letter titled “15 years in the government of the UAE” Sheikh Mohammad said: “Brothers and sisters, the people of the UAE .. About 15 years ago, I was assigned to head the federal government and I swore in before the UAE President, and before you all to be loyal to the UAE, to preserve its union, safeguard its interests, respect its constitution, and look after the interests of its people.
“And you were witnesses of that moment, and God was a witness to that oath, and God knows that we did what we could, and God knows that we have devoted the resources of the entire government to serve our people. And God also knows that we did not compliment anyone at the expense of the interest of our country.
“A year later, I announced before President of the UAE and members of the Federal Supreme Council, the first federal strategy. In 2009, we announced the UAE Vision 2021, and that we want to be one of the best countries in the world. Some questioned the feasibility of launching a strategy and goals spanning 12 years. But today, we see its results a reality that we live today.
“What happened over these years was remarkable, as thousands of teams from the federal and local governments worked as one team to achieve the vision adopted by the President of UAE.
“We have established the principles of strategic planning in the government, and distinction as well as competitiveness have become turned into a institutional culture within our institutions. We carried out the largest process of legislative reform in our country through more than 50 new laws to keep pace with the future … and we changed the way of providing 2,500 government services from traditional to smart … and the UAE government became the second in the world in financial efficiency … We restructured the government several times to keep pace with the changes .. We doubled the federal budget by 130 per cent and strengthened our competitiveness to make the UAE the first in the world in 121 indicators in various fields, and our work is still ongoing.