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Seattle Police Run Bicycle Overhead Protester at Breonna Taylor Protests | The NY Journal


The Seattle Police Department (SPD) investigates a video in which one of his officers is seen passing his bicycle over the head and neck of a protester in the middle of the demonstrations for the decision of the case of Breonna Taylor, Killed by officers in Kentucky.

The incident was reported this Wednesday when dozens took to the streets of Seattle in Washington to demand justice for the African-American woman after prosecutors did not file murder charges against any of the three agents involved.

The images that, in principle, were transmitted on a Facebook Live of CJ Halliburton, an agent who appears to be from the SPD is seen passing his bicycle over the man who was already injured.

The same officer who appears in the video slaps another protester with his bicycle. Later, two other officers kneel near the wounded man before the scene becomes confused by the arrival of more officers.

Another video of the event, posted on Facebook by Joey Weiser, shows the same scene, but from another angle. “This person is on the ground, they ran over his head. He just ran over her head. Oh my God! ”Insists the video fan.

The scene that generated widespread rejection on social networks led the authorities to initiate an investigation.

“The Seattle Police Department is aware of video circulating on the internet that apparently shows an SPD officer on a bicycle rolling on the head of an individual lying on the street. This matter will be referred to the Police Accountability Office for a thorough investigation, ”says an official statement quoted by the Daily Beast.

About 13 people were arrested in Seattle on Wednesday amid the protests and several officers were injured, including one in the head with a baseball bat, according to the official report.

Seattle is just one of several cities that have joined the protests that began yesterday in Louisville claiming the criminal prosecution of the police officers who shot Taylor and her boyfriend in the middle of a raid on the couple’s home.

Yesterday, the Kentucky state prosecutor’s office decided not to charge any of the three police officers involved in the shooting death of the African-American last March with murder, and only charged former agent Brett Hankinson with reckless recklessness in relation to the shots that hit a neighboring house.



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