Salma Hayek, 54, Proudly Shows Off Her Strands Of New ‘White Hair’ In Gorgeous Make-Up Free Selfie
Salma Hayek seems to be just starting to get white hair at the age of 54. She showed off a few stray strands among her brunette locks in a new photo, while her face appeared wrinkle free.
So maybe Salma Hayek is actually human after all? The timeless beauty seems to never age, and tried to show off that she really is getting older by displaying a few strands of white hair that she has amid her gorgeous brunette tresses. Most of her roots still are dark, so it doesn’t appear that she has an all-over greying going on, but just a few sparse locks here and there that have gone white. The 54-year-old shared the photo proving that she has a few grey hairs to her Instagram on Sept. 23, but made it such an inspirational and positive thing.
“The white hair of wisdom,” Salma wrote in the caption, along with translations in Spanish and French for her many fans. She was lying on her back with her long brunette hair piled behind her head on a bright blue towel, so the white strands were only visible along the roots surrounding her face.
Speaking of her face…Salma looked STUNNING! And without any makeup on whatsoever. She went completely au natural and the actress showed off that she has no wrinkles on her perfect visage. Somehow, Salma looks even more gorgeous today in her mid-fifties then when she was half her age. Usually she shows fans her incredible swimsuit body in Instagram photos, but that perfect face was enough to make anyone envious of her amazing skin.

Fans went wild for Salma showing off that she gets white hair just like others do as they age. User @elenanawalsamia called Salma a “Timeless and ageless beauty,” while @carnie68 marveled, “That’s 54? That is unreal!!! You are beautiful inside and out.” Fan @staceyyfuknlee applauded, “look at her whites! How pretty! She lets them shine,” while @samitherose told the star, “You are absolutely stunning @salmahayek I’m so glad to see you unashamedly owning your beautiful white hair of wisdom! #Inspirational.”
Its unclear when Salma took the white hair photo, but she had green roots as of Sept. 16. She dyed part of her hair in celebration of Mexican Independence Day, and showed off her green hair along the sides of her head and just above her ears in an Instagram video. She cheered “Viva Mexico!” while flaunting a t-shirt with her home country’s name across it, and wore and a red chili pepper earring in one ear and a green chili pepper in the other. The only color missing from the Mexican flag in her look was white, and now she has a few strands of that!
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