Rishi Sunak poses for moody photos as Winter Economy Plan announced
Cometh the hour, cometh the photoshoot: Dishi Rishi strikes a catalogue pose for a series of moody snaps ahead of announcing latest multi-billion rescue package for UK
Thoughtful, poised, and ready to save Britain from economic doom… welcome to a behind-the-scenes (and totally unscripted) insight into Rishi Sunak’s preparations for his big day in the Commons.
Whether he’s diligently reading through his Winter Economy Plan for one final check, staring out of a window deep in thought or delivering a motivational speech to staff, our Chancellor, 40, is seen to be totally on top of his game.
In other snaps he’s pictured checking his phone – no doubt for some weighty matters of state rather than the family WhatsApp group – and pondering the latest policy initiative from behind his desk, hands resting on hips.
The images were released by the Treasury as part of a publicity drive to mark the unveiling of today’s multi-billion rescue package, which includes a scheme to top up the pay of people who can only work part-time in ‘viable jobs’.
It also involves further VAT cuts for the hospitality and retail sectors and the extension of emergency loan schemes for struggling businesses.
Mr Sunak – who is known for cultivating his brand – said the UK ‘must endure and live with the uncertainty of the moment’ and that means ‘learning our new limits’ but he insisted ‘our lives can no longer be put on hold’.
He will hope the package will help persuade Britons that the government has a plan to rescue the country’s economy from ruin, and to burnish his growing reputation as one of the Tory party’s brightest young prospects.

Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, has been pictured in a series of publicity snaps released by the Treasury to mark his Winter Economy Plan

Mr Sunak is seen diligently reading through the report in an image meant to convey the image of a leader with a plan to tackle Britain’s economic problems

The Chancellor, 40, is known for cultivating his personal brand, such as by signing Treasury social media releases with his signature

Mr Sunak – seen in two images from the gallery – unveiled a scheme to top up the pay of people who can only work part-time in ‘viable jobs’

Mr Sunak said the UK ‘must endure and live with the uncertainty of the moment’ and that means ‘learning our new limits’ but he insisted ‘our lives can no longer be put on hold’

The Chancellor will hope the package will help persuade Britons that the government has a plan to rescue the country’s economy from ruin, and to burnish his growing reputation as the Tory party’s brightest young prospect

Mr Sunak is seen leaving his office at Number 11 and walking to the Commons to deliver his Winter Economy Plan to Parliament
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