Democrat Joe Biden’s Lead Among Florida Hispanics Increases After State Visit | The NY Journal
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by three points

Joe Biden, Democratic presidential candidate.
Tracie Van Auken / EFE
Miami Florida – Democratic candidate Joe Biden takes a three point lead over the president Donald trump In a new survey on voting intention in Florida and among Hispanics the difference is 56% compared to 41%, greater than 15 days ago.
The St. Pete Polls poll for Florida Politics, which has a margin of error of +/- 1.8 points, gives 50% support for Biden, 47% for Trump and less than 2% for other candidates.
Only 2% of the 2,906 potential voters in Florida interviewed on September 22 have not decided who to vote for in the crucial November 3 election.
Significantly, among independents (those who are not registered as voters of the Republican or Democratic Party), former Vice President Biden leads President Trump by seven points.
One of the changes seen in this poll is that for the first time Biden is the preferred candidate among men, something that was previously only among women.
About 49% of men say they would vote for Democrat if the election were today, compared to 47% who would choose Trump.
The trend continues
Florida Politics noted that there has been no change from another poll conducted on September 7 and 8 in the distribution of voting intentions between the two main candidates if the general population is taken into account, but among Hispanics the number has grown. I support Biden, since in the previous one it was 54% compared to 42%.
Biden made his first campaign visit to Florida last week, where he participated in two events in Tampa and Kissimee, near Orlando, the first with ex-combatants and the second with Hispanics and Puerto Ricans in particular. His running mate, Kamala Harris, was in Miami previously for an event with the African-American community.
Among Florida whites Trump is the most supportive (55% / 41%) and also among Asians and Pacific Islanders (51% / 47%), but among African Americans Biden has 84 % of support and the president only 10%.
This time, respondents were also asked if they preferred that the appointment of who will fill the vacant position left in the Supreme Court of the United States for the death of the judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg be done after the elections or now as Trump wants.
47% were inclined to postpone it, 45% to proceed now and 7% have no opinion on the matter.
By age group, the only one in which there are more who want Trump to remain in the White House than those who want him to leave is 70 years or more (52% compared to 45% for Biden).
The biggest difference in Biden’s favor is among those under 50. 54% support him compared to 42% who do for Trump.
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