Alan Sugar accused of peddling coronavirus conspiracy theories about Wuhan lab
Alan Sugar has been accused of peddling coronavirus conspiracy theories after sharing a bizarre tweet about the origins of Covid-19.
Lord Sugar, 73, took to the social media site to offer his thoughts on how the pandemic started, sharing rumours the virus was man-made in the Chinese city of Wuhan where the outbreak was first detected.
He even suggests the pandemic looks like the work of a “James Bond villain”.
He tweeted: “What do others think, it’s not clear to me where covid came from.
“There was talk of Huhan [Wuhan] in China but also talk of a leaked sample made in a research lab
“Why would a lab be making it. Consider this virus has put the world on its knees. It’s as if James bond villain planned it.”

(Image: NurPhoto via Getty Images)
The message sparked a furious debate on the site, with many followers condemning The Apprentice boss for rumour-mongering.
One wrote: “Someone with your profile shouldn’t be ‘just asking questions’.
“They should be stating what they know to be true and otherwise silent.”

(Image: Twitter)
Another added: “I think a Lord of the realm shouldn’t be involved in baseless conspiracy theories.”
A third added: “And what better way to find out than to ask a bunch of unqualified people on Twitter?
“I do hope you’ll be presenting this vital research to the House of Lords when you’re finished!

(Image: Twitter)

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“Though you might wish to avail yourself of some specialised assistance with some of those tricky Chinese symbols… such as the letter W.”
One more tweeted: “Alan, babes. Stick to dodgy emailer phones and leave the epidemiology to the experts eh?”
Another even compared Lord Sugar to controversial comedy show Brass Eye, writing: “I have no evidence for it but it’s scientific fact. @Lord_Sugar going full Brasseye.”
Previous suggestions that Covid-19 is man-made have been dismissed by scientists, with many pointing out the virus is very similar to those found in bats and shows no sign of being created in a lab.
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