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He opens his pregnant wife’s belly to find out the sex of the baby they were expecting | The NY Journal


A terrible act occurred in Uttar Pradesh, a state belonging to India, where ignorance and Unconsciousness led a man to commit a heinous act against his pregnant wife and the baby they were expecting.

As reported by The Times of India, the 43 year old man who was only identified as Pannalal, he was expecting his sixth child with his wife; previously they had only had girls and wished for a boy.

A local priest would have told him that it was very likely that his wife, named Anita Devi, I was expecting another girl, which upset Pannalal a lot and even, he would have asked his wife to abort, which he refused to do.

So, the man decided to take his sickle and with it, he opened his wife’s belly to ascertain the sex of the baby they were expecting, which was only in the fourth month of pregnancy.

After this act, Devi was transferred by her relatives to a nearby hospital, which was private, which refused to treat her because she could not afford medical care. So she had to be taken to another hospital, where fortunately They managed to save her life and that of her baby, who was incredibly unharmed.

“My brother-in-law used to frequently beat my sister for having given birth to 5 daughters. Our parents intervened on several occasions, but no one imagined that he (Pannalal) would commit such a cruel action, ”said Ravi Kumar Sing, Devi’s brother.

Local authorities reported that the man has already been arrested and will be prosecuted after being accused of attempted murder.



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