Hugh Grant says he’s not been a ‘nice guy’ but his kids ‘saved him’
Hugh Grant believes we’re getting him all wrong, saying his isn’t exactly the ‘Mr Nice Guy’ people make him out to be.
The Love Actually star, who stars alongside Nicole Kidman in Sky Atlantic’s upcoming psychological thriller The Undoing, has cleared up some common misconceptions about himself.
The actor also laughed-off claims he grew up rich – saying he cleaned pub loos for £21 a night to make ends meet before hitting the big time.
In an interview with the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine claims says he is not always the loveable Englishman he is perceived to be.

(Image: FilmMagic)
“I think I turned into a slightly scary old golf-addicted bachelor, and to tell you the truth I’m glad to see the back of him,” he admitted.
“It’s completely knackering trying to be a young father in an old man’s body and I’ve found that if you’re 60 and there are five small children in the house you can’t have a hangover either.
“People say to me “You’ve got better as an actor in the last ten years… Why?” And I sometimes think it may be because of the kids.”
Hugh has had five children in the last nine years. In 2011 he announced he was to become a father for the first time after a ‘fleeting affair’ with Tinglang Hong.
He then had another child with Ms Hong and three with Sweedish TV producer Anna Eberstein, who he married in 2018.

(Image: Getty Images for WarnerMedia)
Elsewhere in the interview, Hugh corrected the belief that he had been born into privilege after carving out a career playing foppish English gentlemen.
He explained: “Money’s lovely – particularly for me because, despite my sounding the way I do, I didn’t grow up rich or privileged.
‘I know my voice is confusing, but my background was not a privileged one: My family weren’t seriously poor, but we weren’t rich by any means.”
Hugh said his family never had holidays abroad his fist job was cleaning the lavatories in a pub for £21.
Hugh turned 60 on September 9 and his former girlfriend Liz Hurley told him she’ll love him forever in sweet birthday message.

(Image: Palace Lee/
Hugh and Liz had a highly publicised relationship that lasted from 1987 until 2000.
The model, 55, took to her Twitter account to share a video of Hugh’s famous dance routine from Love Actually, in which he played fictional Prime Minister David.
His former flame Liz called him a “magnificent, monkey faced addition to our heavenly world” in the affectionate tweet.
Despite their breakup two decades ago, Hugh and Liz have remained close over the years.
He is even godfather to her son Damian, who she shares with her late ex Steve Bing.
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