Sea-gulp! Thieving bird wolfs down a leftover sausage in one go in front of startled diners
Sea-gulp! Thieving bird wolfs down a leftover sausage in one go in front of startled diners
- Footage of the crafty bird pinching the food was filmed in Cornwall, England
- In one swift movement the bird devours the sausage as it stands on the table
- The animal takes no notice of the eatery packed with customers as it eats its food
This is the hilarious moment a greedy seagull wolfs down a whole sausage in one gulp.
Footage of the crafty bird pinching a sausage from a plate of leftovers outside a restaurant has gone viral.
The animal is standing on the edge of a table in Cornwall, England, and swiftly grabs the item of food.

Footage of the crafty bird pinching a sausage from a plate of leftovers outside a restaurant in Cornwall, England, has gone viral
In a swift movement the bird devours the sausage in one go, taking no notice of the eatery packed with customers.
In the video someone laughs ‘oh he’s got a whole sausage’ as the animal guzzles down the snack.
The humorous event was captured by Trinity Anne Taylor, 18, from London, who was celebrating her birthday in Cornwall with her family.
She said: ‘The seagull initially flew down and was standing in an empty coffee cup and my mum told me to start filming and just as I started to, it swallowed that sausage’
‘Everyone in the cafe was laughing.’

In a swift movement the bird snatches the food and devours the sausage in one go, taking no notice of the eatery packed with customers

Trinity Anne Taylor, 18 (pictured), from London, was celebrating her birthday in Cornwall with her family when she caught the hilarious moment on video
Trinity was surprised that she’d managed to capture the comical moment on camera.
She said: ‘My brother and my dad weren’t paying attention but my mum and I were just laughing in pure shock. I couldn’t believe I actually caught it on video.’
The video posted to TikTok has since garnered nearly 1 million views with one user _cameron_16 calling the seagull a ‘Glizzy Gladiator’.
This is a term used to refer to someone who consumes abnormal amounts of ‘glizzy’ which is slang for a sausage or a dish that consists of them.

In the video someone laughs ‘oh he’s got a whole sausage’ as the animal snatches the leftovers from the plate and guzzles down the snack

Everyone at the cafe was laughing at the bird, which managed to devour the sausage in one swift go
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