Kardashians urged by ex-nanny not to thrust kids into limelight like they were
The nanny hired to keep up with the Kardashian sisters for eight years has begged them not to put their own kids through the childhood they had.
Days after the family announced their long-running reality series would be coming off air, Pam Behan urged Kim and her sisters to keep their own families out of the public gaze.
Telling how she felt they were thrust into the limelight by their fame-hungry mum, she suggested the end of the show could come as “a relief”.
And she urged them to spend time with the children before they grow up. Mum-of-one Pam said: “Your kids are young once, only once – make it about them.”
She said she believed it was their mum Kris Jenner’s need for fame that left them living out their lives so publicly.
Pam said: “The driving force behind the whole thing has definitely been Kris, she thrives being in the limelight.

“The logical next step for her is to continue on TV in some shape or form.
“It will be interesting to see what they [the daughters] do now, whether they branch out into new things or lie low and concentrate on family.
“As their nanny, I’d like to give them advice to say, make it about them right now, while they’re young.
“The girls have got their whole lives to get back into whatever they want to do.”
The five Kardashian girls and brother Rob have 10 children between them.
Pam said privacy was “hugely important” for kids.
She added: “I know I wouldn’t want my child in the spotlight 24/7, every move.
“And then there are always crazies out there who could kidnap them.
“You have to be so careful and protect them at all costs, that’s part of it.
“They chose to get into this life but their kids were born into it. I guess, and hope, that’s one reason they’re getting out.

“Kids need to be kids and that’s not possible if your life is played out on television for the whole world to see.
“It’s a lot of pressure to act and look a certain way.”
Kim, 39, was first to reveal on Tuesday that the long-running show that made her a global star was coming to an end.
In a statement on Twitter she wrote: “It is with heavy hearts that we’ve made the difficult decision as a family to say goodbye to Keeping Up With The Kardashians.”
The show will air for two more seasons – one starting this month, and its 20th and final one next year.
Speculation has been rife over why the decision was taken to end it now.
Some commentators have suggested the family failed to reach a new deal with the E! channel – while others point to the frequent simmering tensions between the sisters.

Those boiled over when Kim and her sister Kourtney, 41, came to blows during a fight in the previous season.
Pam said: “If there’s turmoil among the sisters it doesn’t help between their families – but that always went on, the whole sisterly arguments thing.
“But they always make up, they’re sisters for life.”
And she reveals how mum Kris – who is rumoured to be continuing her showbiz career on hit show The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills – might have driven a wedge between the children and her ex, Caitlyn Jenner, 70, saying she was not surprised Caitlyn had been the last to know that the show was being ditched.
Pam added: “I feel like Caitlyn has been pushed aside and I think it’s unfair because he was a good dad and always there for the girls.
“That they haven’t thought to let her know that the show is coming to an end before she saw it in the media seems very bizarre to me.

“In a way it doesn’t surprise me because she was always the last to find about anything.
“Kris was incredibly controlling, it was very obvious she ran the show… quite literally.
She has a special bond with the girls and so Caitlyn was kind of left out – they would discuss things and he was always the last to
know anything.”
Pam, who grew up in a small town in Minnesota, began work with the Kardashian kids on July 4, 1991. When she began Kourtney was 12, Kim, 10, Khloe, seven and Robert, just four.
She lived with them at their mansion for five years and is set to write a tell-all memoir, Malibu Nanny.
Before joining them, Pam had spent three years working with Bruce’s kids Brandon and Brody – having been hired when she first arrived in California aged 19 by Bruce’s second wife Linda Thompson.

She said Kim was the most obsessed of all the children with her image, while Khloe was “open and honest”.
Pam said: “Out of all the girls, Kim spent the most time in front of the mirror. Her looks, clothes and so on were very important to her, even back then.
“To demonstrate her sweetness though, I’ve a very fond memory of Kim.
She wasn’t even in her teens and she went out with her own money and bought me a beautiful crystal music box that played my favourite song.
“Kourtney was the hardest to get to know, she was a little standoff-ish for a long time.
“But we eventually became very close, probably through all our ‘bonding moments’ as she practised driving at age 16.
“I remember Kourtney was a good girl. Her and Kim did fight over clothes a lot, but other than that they were good kids.

(Image: AFP via Getty Images)
“I was probably closest to Khloe because she was only just seven when I started that job and we spent a lot of time together.
“If I was folding clothes or making dinner, she’d be right at my side.
“I loved her spirit. As you still see on the show, she’s a feisty one, but I like her openness and honesty.
“Robert was so darn stinking cute when I first started.
“He was four and his big brown eyes melted me. Rob was a great kid. He was very self-disciplined. At a very young age, he’d come home from school, do his homework, lay out his clothes for the next day, then he’d play.

(Image: NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)
“I used to watch in awe as the others were nowhere close to that behaviour.”
She describes how “success was a big thing in the Jenner home” and that Kris expected “to run a tight ship”.
Pam added: “Kris enforced a ‘no excuses’ policy. One morning, I broke the glass carafe of the coffee maker.
“In desperation, I drove all over LA to replace it before she noticed. I never did find one, I was so upset. My Mom was very submissive and never raised her voice – Kris was very blunt.”
But she adds: “Despite how challenging it was at times working for Kris, there are so many things I admire about her. She is tenacious – and she doesn’t take no for an answer.”
A representative for the family states: “It’s unfortunate that Pam continues to capitalize on the Kardashian family with lies.
“She was a nanny for the family 30 years ago and she has no knowledge or understanding of the family since that time.
“Furthermore, the statements she makes and has made about the time of her employment about the family are false.”
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