Defeat for Tump: New York Court Rules Removing Undocumented Persons from the Census is Illegal | The NY Journal
The lawsuit was filed by a coalition led by New York Attorney General Letitia James

The plaintiffs claimed that Trump intended to leave immigrants uncounted in states with a large number of them like New York.
Mariela Lombard / El Diario NY
A New York Federal Court ruled Thursday that it is illegal the president’s order Donald Trump, which excluded the undocumented immigrants of the 2020 Census.
The decision, reached unanimously by a panel of three federal judges of the Southern District of New York, points out that the Trump executive order violates the “constitutional responsibilities” of the US executive body to “count the full number of people in each state and distribute the members of the House of Representatives between the states according to the respective figures ”.
In July, the New York State Attorney General Letitia James led a coalition of states, cities and counties to present the lawsuit against Trump.
The ruling prohibits the Department of Commerce of the country provide any type of information on undocumented immigrants in your census that could be used to implement the directive of the President.
It’s about another blow for the White House, since last year the Supreme Court blocked the Trump’s efforts to add a citizenship question in the census, pointing out that the Administration’s reason for doing so was “forced”.
After that decision of the Supreme court, in July the Government orderedl Department of Commerce in a memorandum excluding undocumented immigrants from the count of the population of each state when calculating congressional seats by region.
The action immediately led to several immigrant advocacy groups in addition to states like New York They will file lawsuits, arguing that the memorandum clearly violates the law that the number of representatives from each region in congress is based on the total population.
In the United States, the census determines the distribution of federal funds, the layout of the electoral districts for the House of Representatives and the representation of the Electoral College, the body of delegates in charge of electing the President.
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