COVID-19: Dubai shop fined Dh50,000 for holding sale with massive crowds

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Dubai: The Economic Department in Dubai has closed down a department store and issued a Dh50,000 fine after it was found breaking precautionary measures against COVID-19, notably physical distancing, during a discount sale launched recently.
The sale had seen visitors thronging the store, ignoring the risk of physical contact.
Dubai Economy reaffirmed that it would not be lenient in any way with shops and outlets that do not comply with the precautionary measures and procedures.
All stores and outlets, as well as their customers, must strictly adhere to the precautionary measures, and support the government’s efforts to limit the spread of the COVID-19 and ensure business continuity, Dubai Economy reminded.
The precautionary measures have enabled Dubai to successfully reopen various economic sectors and contain the impact of the pandemic on the society.
Dubai Economy called on everyone to cooperate and contribute to preserving the achievements made by the emirate under the directives of the leadership. Consumers were also urged to report any non-compliance with the COVID-19 precautionary guidelines via the Dubai Consumer App available on Apple, Google, and Huawei stores, by calling 600-545555, or on the website.
Precautionary measures
Earlier in June, the Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai issued guidelines for retail shops, private businesses and shopping centres on how to keep employees and customers safe during the coronavirus pandemic.
Key measures include temperature screening of employees, visitors and customers, and provision of an isolation room for suspected cases. Companies must restrict the number of employees allowed to be present in the pantry at any given time and ensure all mandatory guidelines outlined by health authorities are followed.
The Committee said private sector employees suffering from respiratory conditions and those with compromised immunity are advised to continue working remotely from home.
It stressed on the need for employees of private sector companies and shopping malls, and visitors to these locations, to strictly follow precautionary measures, including wearing face masks, maintaining a minimum distance of two metres from others, using hand sanitisers and regularly washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
The Supreme Committee urged shopping malls to adhere to all precautionary guidelines to ensure the safety of employees and visitors. Mandatory measures include frequently sterilising all facilities and common areas in malls, providing sanitisers across the mall and its entrances, and screening people’s temperature at entrances to identify suspected cases and take necessary measures.
All shopping malls are required to provide a dedicated room to isolate suspected cases in accordance with protocols.
Inspections will be held to ensure full adherence to guidelines. Both members of the public and shopping malls will face fines if they violate guidelines.
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