UAE posts budget surplus of Dh9.75 billion in first half of 2020

Abu Dhabi: The total expenditures of UAE federal government bodies reached Dh24.97 billion by the end of the second quarter of 2020, while the total revenues stood at Dh 34.744 billion, the Ministry of Finance said on Monday.
The federal government posted a budget surplus of Dh9.75 billion in the first half of 2020, and a surplus of Dh7.95 billion in the second quarter, up from a surplus of Dh1.8 billion in the first quarter of the same year, according to the ministry’s financial performance report on the UAE federal budget.
In detail, the revenues generated by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation amounted to Dh 1.99 billion during the second quarter of this year. The report shows that other federal revenues stood at Dh16.572 billion.
On spending, the Ministry of Education’s spending was Dh2.976 billion , while other federal expenditures stood at Dh8.256. The expenditures of the Ministry of Health amounted to Dh2.122 billion, while the Ministry of Community Development’s spending stood at Dh1.532.
The expenditures of the Ministry of Human Resources touched Dh362.4 million, while the Ministry of Infrastructure Development’s spending was at Dh295 million.
The UAE Cabinet approved a zero-deficit federal budget of Dh61.354 billion for 2020, the largest budget ever since the founding of the UAE.
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