‘Transplant’ Preview: Bash & Mags Share A Moment While Working To Save A Patient
Bash and Mags work to save a patient in this EXCLUSIVE preview of the all-new episode of ‘Transplant.’ Time stands still between them for a brief moment before they’re interrupted.
Bash (Hamza Haq) and Mags (Laurence Leboeuf) walk into a patient’s room to try to get her stabilized in this EXCLUSIVE preview of the Sept. 8 episode of Transplant. When their initial plan doesn’t work, Mags asks Bash to grab a tracheal tube so they can intubate. Mags tries but she can’t visualize the patient’s chords.
Mags thinks it’s time to call respiratory therapy. Bash asks about light wands. He has an idea. He grabs a light wand and sticks it through the tube. He thinks the light will help Mags get the tracheal tube in the right place. When Mags tries it and still doesn’t have a view, Bash turns out the lights.

“When you said working in the dark you meant literally,” she says to him. Mags has Bash take over. “Did you ever think all that would lead you here?” she asks him. He replies with his own question, “What led you here?”
Mags gives him a look, and Bash looks right back at her. Bash is still looking at Mags when Atwater (Linda E. Smith) interrupts their moment by walking into the room. She notes that they don’t intubate with light wants anymore. Bash takes the fall for the light wand use so Mags doesn’t get in trouble. Atwater tells them to call respiratory therapy next time and leaves them be.

The synopsis for the Sept. 8 episode reads: “Bashir is hired at York Memorial and when he and Dr. Magalie “Mags” Leblanc work together to treat a patient with a mysterious illness, Mags quickly realizes that Bash’s experience has led to an unconventional approach in medicine. Dr. Bishop returns to work after the accident but head nurse Claire Malone worries it’s too soon.” Transplant airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on NBC.
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