Savvy mum reveals how she feeds her family-of-four on just £1.47 a day
A savvy mum-of-two has shared how she manages to feed her family-of-four on a budget of just £1.47 per head a day, while still making delicious meals.
Make-up artist Drew Smith, from Scarborough, revealed she rustles up three meals a day and desserts, spending a total of £164.24 for the month.
Her delicious meals include everything from fresh fish with new potatoes and vegetables, spicy beef garlic baguettes and homemade pizza.
She also made blueberry kuchen, chocolate cake, jam roly-poly and cheesecake for dessert.
Posting in the Facebook group, Feeding a family on £1 a day, Drew shared her meal plan, revealing she shops at Tesco Online, to get the bargain prices.

Drew Smith, from Scarborough, has shared how she manages to feed her family-of-four on a budget of just £1.47 per head a day, while still making delicious meals. Pictured, sponge cake

The savvy mother revealed she cooks up three meals a day and desserts spending a total of £164.24 for the month. Pictured is her burger meal

Her delicious meals include fresh fish with new potatoes and vegetables, spicy beef garlic baguettes and homemade pizza. She also made blueberry kuchen (pictured) chocolate cake, jam roly-poly and cheesecake for dessert

Posting in the Facebook group, Feeding a family on £1 a day, Drew (pictured) shared her meal plan, revealing she shops at Tesco Online, to get the bargain prices
‘So the last few weeks I’ve seen a lot of people struggling with their budget for feeding their families and asking for cheap meal ideas. It makes me a little sad that some people are really struggling so much so I want to try and help.
‘I’m in no way master chef, but I like to do something close to a home cooked meal every day plus something fairly nutritional for lunches and breakfasts. I feed a family of four (two adults two children) and I try to keep the cost down myself.
‘I’ve put together a four week “standard meal plan” which is based a lot around the kind of foods my children like,’ she wrote.
‘I understand not everyone will like everything on this list and i know there’s other ways of doing the meals I have put on here, I’ve simply done for the cheaper ways to help families that are struggling to have tasty meals for a cheaper price.

Drew managed to cook up 84 meals and desserts with her budget of £164, including a spicy beef baguette (pictured)

Drew’s delicious desserts include cheesecake (left) and sponge cupcakes (right) which she bakes up on a Sunday for the week

Drew also makes homemade scotch eggs (pictured) for her family as one of the many meals she bakes up

Pictured is the mouthwatering chocolate cake cooked up by Drew for her family. She makes three desserts a week to stick to her budget

Drew shared her meal plan to the Facebook group to help other parents on a budget make meals (pictured)

Drew also posted her shopping list with a breakdown of how much each item cost, with a total budget of £164.25
‘I have also gone for the cheaper ingredients in most cases, so please no bashing, I’m just hoping to help.
‘I also understand people have different size portions so I went for a general size that would feed my family.
Drew added her tips would be to ‘bulk out the ingredients wherever you can’.
She also said she has a baking day once a week to premake the desserts for the week ahead.

Drew also made a chicken roast and a pork roast (pictured) which she served with chips and peas

Drew also made dauphinoise potatoes for her children, and has a slightly different plan every week

Drew also whipped up a sponge cake for her children, which she managed to whip up within her budget of £164
‘The total shopping list for a month [28 days] here is £164.25 which works out at £1.47 a day per head, for breakfast, lunches, desserts and dinners.
The post quickly racked up hundreds of likes with dozens thanking Drew for her insight.
‘This is amazing! So helpful for sticking to a budget and can adapt recipes! It’s a great menu,’ wrote one.
‘This is incredible, just the meal plan alone is a great help as I struggle with ideas for food and I just have me and a 1 year old,’ added another.
‘How lovely of you. Really appreciate this as have been struggling for meal ideas for a month and really do need to keep the cost down,’ commented a third.

Sponge cake with cream and jam and topped with chocolate icing and Maltesers is also one of Drew’s go-to cakes

Chocolate concrete cake is also one of the desserts Drew managed to whip up on a budget to keep her kids happy

Fruit crumble and cheesecake also appears on the list of Drew’s go-to meals, which are sometimes topped with chocolate (pictured)
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