Andy Carroll responds to pizza shop owner who labelled him a “f****** c***”
Andy Carroll has hit back at the restaurant owner who labelled him a “f****** c***” in an angry note, saying he didn’t like his pizza anyway.
Carroll found the furious note on the windshield of his Mercedes after he left it parked outside Cal’s Own pizza restaurant in Jesmond.
Business owner Calvin Kitchin was unhappy that Carroll had allegedly taken up two spots, and hit out at him in writing.
Newcastle striker Carroll shared an image of the explicit note to his Instagram story, writing “I didn’t like your pizza anyway.”
The note from the restaurant owner read: “Listen you rich f****** c***, you have a nice car I’ll give you that. Otherwise I pay £42,000-a-year for my lease.

(Image: Newcastle Chronicle)

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“If you were to come into my restaurant and ask if you could use my parking to park nicely, me or my staff would probably say yes.
“Otherwise, you are a c***.
“You don’t understand the meaning of money and/or courtesy. You are on a different planet to the working class. You do what you want, when you want.
“Hence why you can’t just be nice and take what you want.”

(Image: Instagram/Andy Carroll)
Kitchin also spoke to ChronicleLive, where he claimed he has never seen the 31-year-old in his restaurant “not once”.
He said: “What would be civilised is to come [inside] and ask if he could park his massive car, especially when there is plenty of on-street parking.
“He took up two spaces – what if a disabled customer came? There is a parking meter down the road which barely costs anything anyway.”
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