COVID-19: Some UAE schools to offer only distance learning after suspected cases

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Dubai: The UAE’s Ministry of Education and the National Authority for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management announced on Tuesday that some schools would teach only via distance learning classes after staff members tested positive for COVID-19.
After a months’ long hiatus, before children returned to school, a screening of staff and students was made mandatory.
During this stage of broad testing for teachers and administrative staff, before students returned to classes, Ministry of Education announced the transfer of a group of schools in the UAE to a distance learning system after some COVID-19 positive cases were detected.
These regulations – test, trace, treat – are the cornerstones of the UAE’s successful fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
The precautionary measure is to remain in place until the results of the laboratory tests are out.
The Ministry will be contacting affected school students to inform them of the developments.
The Ministry of Education and the National Authority for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management have called on all school employees, including teachers and administrators, students and their parents, to cooperate and disclose any suspected cases or any contact with people with the COVID-19 virus.
They have also been urged people to report the presence of any symptoms in order to help limit the spread of the virus.
Parents have been requested to not send their children to clases and teachers and staff members asked not to go to work if any virus symptoms appear so as to ensure the health and safety of everyone.
The Ministry also asked the public to obtain information from official sources, not from rumors, and respect the privacy of individuals.
The authority added that legal measures would be taken in coordination with the concerned authorities against anyone who violates the applicable precautionary and preventive measures.
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