Dubai investor jailed for groping woman inside elevator


Dubai: An investor has been sentenced to three months in jail by the Dubai Court of First Instance for groping a woman inside an elevator.

The victim, who had finished a meeting at a prominent commercial centre, waled into the elevator when the incident happened.

“The man entered the lift and stood beside me, but I ignored him. I stepped out of the lift and he followed me and I felt him touching my body from behind. I turned around and he was walking towards the left where there was nothing but a wall and a garbage bin,” the woman said in official records.

She said she yelled at him and asked him what he had been up to, but he claimed he did not know what she was talking about.

She alerted the security and Dubai Police informed her that CCTV cameras showed him deliberately trying to touch her body.

According to Dubai Public Prosecution, the 45-year-old defendant admitted to making a hand gesture to give way to the woman stepping out of the lift, but CCTV images showed he was standing behind her and his hand had touched her body.

The defendant will be deported after serving his jail term.


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