Senator Rand Paul is ‘attacked’ by protesters leaving RNC at the White House
Kentucky senator Rand Paul and his wife were attacked by a mob of protesters as they left the White House Thursday.
A massive crowd of raucous protesters gathered outside of the White House for the final day of the Republican National Convention where they tried to drown out Donald Trump’s acceptance speech and accosted guests leaving the event.
As Paul left the convention with his wife Kelley he was bombarded by a group of Black Lives Matter protesters.
Video shows a horde of people following the senator through the streets and the moment someone pushes down a police officer guarding the senator. Paul was also nearly knocked down in the incident.
In the end officers were able to escort the couple out of the crowd and to their hotel.
Rand tweeted after the incident: ‘Just got attacked by an angry mob of over 100, one block away from the White House. Thank you to @DCPoliceDept for literally saving our lives from a crazed mob.’

Protesters surround Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and his wife as they left the Republican National Convention late Thursday. He said he was attacked by an ‘angry mob of over 100 people’

Kentucky senator Rand Paul pictured surrounded by Black Lives Matter protesters

Police officers surrounded Rand and his wife and escorted them out of the crowd after people started to push

Rand tweeted after the incident: ‘Just got attacked by an angry mob of over 100, one block away from the White House. Thank you to @DCPoliceDept for literally saving our lives from a crazed mob.’
The Black Lives Matter movement is particularly strong in Kentucky, which Rand represents, following the police killing of Breonna Taylor.
The 26-year-old African-American EMT was shot eight times by Louisville police officers conducting a ‘no-knock’ warrant at her home as she was in bed on March 13, 2020. The officers behind that shooting have not been arrested or charged.
Rand was just one of many guests accosted by protesters as they left the White House.
As guests dressed in suits and dresses left the convention, they were bombarded by protesters in the streets who booed them, shouting ‘You racist a**’ and ‘Jacob Blake’.
The heckled guests kept walking even as demonstrators gave them the middle finger and insulted them.
Earlier in the evening protesters blared bullhorns, rang bells, and chanted ‘No justice, no peace!’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’ when Ivanka Trump introduced her father shortly before 10.30pm.
When Trump started his speech dissidents set off firecrackers and amplified their chants in unison, all of which was audible from the South Lawn.
Blow horns could be heard in the televised broadcast of Trump’s speech.

Raucous protesters accosted Republican National Convention guests leaving the White House Thursday evening, hurling expletives and calling them racist

These protesters ran up to RNC guests and flipped their middle fingers as they walked away from the White House late Thursday

As guests dressed in suits and dresses left the convention, they were bombarded by protesters in the streets who booed them, shouting ‘You racist a**’ and chanting ‘Jacob Blake’

RNC guests pictured being accosted as they left the White House by protesters Thursday

When Trump started his speech dissidents set off firecrackers and amplified their chants in unison, all of which was audible from the South Lawn. Some horns were also audible in his televised speech broadcast
Trump shared his speech late Thursday before a crowd of more than 1,500 on the South Lawn as MAGA supporters cheered ‘USA!’ and ‘Four More Years!’
There was no indication that Trump heard the protesters but speech spectators were seen turning around to see where the sounds of sirens, music and blow horns was coming from.
Protesters gathered between the White House and the National Mall and in Black Lives Matter Plaza.
‘Make some noise if you want to drown out Trump,’ protest organizer Justin Johnson said.
One group of activists were heard chanting ‘Black Women Matter, because we get stuff done.’

Protesters held up a lit sign that said ‘Trump Failed, 180,000+ died’ citing the death toll of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US

Hundreds of raucous protesters clamored outside the White House chanting and banging drums in an effort to drown out the President’s presidential nomination acceptance speech

Large swathes of demonstrators gathered in front of the White House on Thursday ahead of Trump’s acceptance speech, hurling angry slogans and demanding he resign immediately

A Go-Go band blasts music in an effort to drown out the sound of Trump’s accpetance speech

The demonstrations were peaceful at the start of the evening, but clashes with police officers ensued when the convention wrapped up. Officers pictured subduing a protester on the ground Thursday night
In one crowd of protesters a dance party broke out with EDM remixes of Go-Go and Mo-Town music bumping from speakers.
The demonstrations were peaceful at the start of the evening, but clashes with police officers ensued when the convention wrapped up.
There were several organized protests surrounding the White House on Thursday night.
Refuse Facism held a #TrumpPenceOutNow rally and The Party Majority PAC organized a #ThePeoplesHouse demonstration nearby.
The groups ShutdownDC and Long-Live Go-Go had put out word in advance about the planned ‘noise demonstration and dance party’ to coincide with Trump’s speech.

The White House is seen in the background as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate at Black Lives Matter Plaza during the final night of the Republican National Convention Thursday night

Protesters dance as music blares from speakers to overpower the sound of Trump’s acceptance speech late Thursday

Protesters broke into dance at a Go-Go concert organized to make as much noise possible during Trump’s speech on the final night of the Republican National Convention Thursday

This demonstrator wore a Trump mask and held a sign that said ‘Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue’

A protester yells next to police officers wearing protective masks at a demonstration near Black Lives Matter Plaza seeking to drown out the sound of Trump’s presidential nominal acceptance speech

Police pictured facing off with protesters on Thursday night near the White House
‘You guys gotta get some rhythm,’ a protester told Secret Service officers.
‘Would you have rhythm if you were wearing 30 pounds of gear,’ one responded.
‘These presidents are not gonna do anything ’cause they are not the people of color in the streets being shot,’ a black student who travelled from Houston, Texas to take part in the protests said to AFP.
‘There are more people who are ready for Trump to leave office,’ Michael Legend, a 33-year-old black man from Washington said.
Nearby protesters set up a small guillotine, with the District of Columbia flag as the blade.

A massive group of protesters with Refuse Facism hold a rally and carry a banner that says ‘Trump/Pence #OutNow!’ near the White House on Thursday evening

Washington DC police pictured pushing back Black Lives Matter supporters on Thurday evening

A police officer (standing) removes a protester on the road as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate near Black Lives Matter Plaza during Thursday

Protesters pictured clamoring around police during a protest when officers blocked their path on Constitution Avenue late Thursday

Police officers wearing protective masks stand in front of a criminal justice reform sign during the Republican National Convention in Washington DC on Thursday

Earlier in the day a banner saying ‘Trump Lies All The Time’ was laid on the ground at Black Lives Matter plaza ahead of the president’s speech

A protester holds a Biden 2020 flag at the protest Thursday night
Lafayette Park, a traditional site of demonstrations across from the White House, was sealed off and there were some street closures.
National Black Lives Matter protests erupted in all 50 states in May following the police killing of black man George Floyd in Minnesota.
The outrage with the White House has only inflamed with the police shooting of Jacob Blake, 29, in Kenosha, Wisconsin in front of his three children on Sunday.
Blake survived the attack but has been left paralyzed from the waist down, according to his family’s lawyer.
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