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Melania Trump pleads for an end to ‘looting and violence in the name of justice’


Melania Trump painted her husband’s weaknesses as strengths when she argued for President Donald Trump’s bid for a second term in a speech designed to appeal to female voters.

She painted herself as a wife and a mother during her 26-minute remarks, which outlined the reasons women should vote for President Trump in November and addressed the areas where female voters rate him as weak, the coronavirus pandemic and race relations.

Melania Trump spoke of motherhood, even as she did not mention the Trumps 14-year-old son Barron by name and said her husband was a man who won’t stop fighting for families.

‘To mothers and parents everywhere, you’re warriors. In my husband, you have a president who will not stop fighting for you and your family. I see how hard he works each day and night and despite the attacks from the media, he will not give up. In fact, if you tell him it cannot be done, he just worked harder,’ she said.

She also said the president was a man who supports her and has supported women by giving them high-ranking jobs in his administration.

‘Donald is a husband that supports me in all that I do. He has built an administration with unprecedented number of women in leadership roles and fostered an environment where the American people are always the priority. He welcomes different points of view and encourages thinking outside of the box,’ she said.

And she humbly asked voters to return the Trump family to the White House for another four years.

‘I know I speak for my husband and the family when we say we’re so grateful that you trusted him to be your president. We would be honored to serve this incredible country for four more years,’ she said.

Melania Trump made the case for her husband's second term in a speech designed to appeal to female voters

Melania Trump made the case for her husband’s second term in a speech designed to appeal to female voters

President Trump gives his wife a kiss when she finished speaking

President Trump gives his wife a kiss when she finished speaking

Melania Trump spoke from the newly renovated White House Rose Garden

Melania Trump spoke from the newly renovated White House Rose Garden

She also took a gentle stab at the rough game of politics, saying she would not use her speech to attack any political enemies.

‘I don’t want to use this precious time attacking the other side. As we saw last week, that kind of talk only serves to divide the country further. I am here because we need my husband to be our president and commander-in-chief for four more years,’ she said.

She argued that his blunt statements, which are often criticized as cold, critical and unfeeling, are honesty and that it’s good for the country.

‘He’s what is best for our country. We know Donald Trump makes no secret about how he feels about things. Total honesty is what we as citizens deserve from our president. Whether you like it or not, you always know what he is thinking. That is because he’s an authentic person who loves this country and its people,’ she said. ‘He wants nothing more than for this country to prosper and he doesn’t waste time playing politics.’

She noted that in 2016, experts predicted Donald Trump would lose the presidential election and she touched on Trump’s current standing in the polls – where he trails Democratic rival Joe Biden – to warn people not to underestimate him again.

‘Almost four years ago, we went into Election Day underestimated. Despite what is being said again this year, I know just as you do that Americans will go to the polls and will vote on behalf of their families, our economy, our national security and our children’s future. To vote for those ideals is not a partisan vote. It’s a common sense vote. Because those are goals and hopes that we always believe in. I believe that we need my husband’s leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back once again to the greatest economy and the strongest country ever known,’ she said.

The first lady, who often lets her clothes speak for her, wore an olive green, military-style suit, and her signature stilettos. She spoke in the newly-renovated White House Rose Garden, with a bank of American flags behind her.

President Trump, who sat in the front row of the Rose Garden during her remarks, gave her a hug and a kiss on the check when she was done. The Trumps exited stage right, walking back into the White House together with a pause to stop and wave to the audience of supporters.

Melania Trump walks down the White House colonnade in a dramatic entrance to her speech

Melania Trump walks down the White House colonnade in a dramatic entrance to her speech

Melania Trump's parents Viktor Knavs and Amalija Knavs attended her speech

Melania Trump’s parents Viktor Knavs and Amalija Knavs attended her speech

Melania Trump also bluntly endorsed her husband for president, pairing her endorsement with her recent exhibit of children’s art work in honor of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote.

‘I reflected on the impact of women’s voices in our nation’s story and how proud I would be to cast my vote again for Donald this November,’ she said.

She told the second night of the Republican National Convention to not listen to the media reports on her administration or attacks from his political enemies.

‘No matter the amount of negative or false media headlines or attacks from the other side, Donald Trump has not and will not lose focus on you,’ she said. ‘He loves this country. He knows how to get things done. As you have learned over the past five years, he’s not a traditional politician. He doesn’t just speak words. He demands action and he gets results.’

She described her husband, one of the most controversial presidents in history, as someone who wants to make ‘real change’ and ‘make this country the best it can be.’

‘My husband knows how to make a real change,’ she said. ‘From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be. Fore many years, I watched him grow concerned and frustrated and I’m so proud to see the many things that he’s done in such a short time. America is in his heart. So while at times we only see the worst of people and politics on the evening news, let’s remember how we come together in the most difficult times.’

She also addressed the racial tensions in America, which critics have accused President Trump of stoking the flames with his support for the Confederate flag, his defense of police actions against African Americans, and his threat to send in the military against Black Lives Matters demonstrators. 

‘We must remember that today we are all one community comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities. Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. With that in mind, I like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause and look at things from all perspective,’ she said.

She touched on President Trump’s criticism of the Black Lives Matters demonstrations that sprang up around the country in the wake of George Floyd’s death but enclosed her words around a call to arms.

‘I urge people to come together in a civil manner so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals. I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. Never make assumptions based on the color of a person’s skin. Instead of steering things down, let’s reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we’re one nation under god and we need to cherish one another,’ she said.

Trump was one of the few convention speakers to acknowledge the price paid by so many people impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

‘I want to acknowledge the fact that since March, our lives have changed drastically. The invisible enemy, covid-19, swept across our beautiful country and impacted all of us,’ she said.

‘My deepest sympathy that goes out to everyone that has lost a loved one and my prayers with those that are ill or suffering. I know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. I want you to know that you’re not alone,’ she added.

She touted the work her husband’s administration has done to combat the disease and referred to him by his first name, in a bit of a personal touch.

‘My husband’s administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone. Donald will not rest until he has done all he can to take care of everyone impacted by this terrible pandemic,’ she said.

‘I have been moved by the way Americans have come together in such an unfamiliar and often frightening situation. It is in times like this that we will look back and tell our grandchildren that through kindness and compassion, strength and determination, we were able to restore the promise of our future,’ she added.

She talked about her work over the past four years, including her Be Best campaign, her trip to Africa, her work on drug addiction and her meetings with members of the military and first responders.

She pledged to spend her next four years continuing her work on her Be Best campaign and her work with children.

‘In my next four years as first lady, I’ll continue to build upon Be Best and work with individual states to pass legislation to take care of our most vulnerable. I plan to continue the work I have started with children in foster care as well as the minority communities and tribal nations. I want to make sure children are protected and communities have their resources to combat drug addiction and child neglect or abuse,’ she said.

The first lady, who has taken on several renovation projects around the White House in addition to her work on the White House Rose Garden, said she would continue her restoration work.

‘I also look forward to continue my work to restore the people’s house, which is a lasting symbol of pride for our nation. I believe this iconic home needs to be cared for and preserved so it can be enjoyed by the people of this country and visitors from around the world for years to come. I’m passionate about this beautiful house, the grounds and all they represent,’ she said.

Melania Trump, who garnered a reputation for being reluctant to move to the White House, said she was honoured to serve as first lady.

‘The past 3 1/2 years have been unforgettable,’ she said. ‘There are no words to describe how honored, humbled and fortunate I am to serve our nation as your first lady. After many of the experiences I’ve had, I don’t know if I can fully explain how many people I take home with my in my heart each day. From brave soldiers who gave up so much so that we can be free to children of all circumstances who I have met around the world. Thank you for inspiring me. It is my greatest honor to serve you,’ she said.

‘The same goes for the families and the families of first responders who often watch their loved ones walk out the door not sure if or when they will come home,’ she added.

Additionally, Melania Trump told her personal story of becoming an American and her pride of living in the White House in a rare, personal glimpse into the life of the private first lady.

But she pivoted to the personal, talking about growing up in Slovenia and her dream of moving to the United States.

‘Growing up as a young child in Slovenia, which was under communist rule at the time, I always heard about an amazing place called America. A land that stood for freedom and opportunity. As I grew older, it became my goal to move to the united States and follow my dream working in the fashion industry,’ the former model said.

She also paid tribute to her parents – Viktor And Amalija Knavs – and thanked them for their support. The Knavs live near Washington D.C. and often help care for Barron, the Trump’s 14 year old son.

‘My parents worked very hard to ensure our family could not only leave and prosper in America, but also contribute to a nation that allows for people to arrive with a dream and make a reality. I want to take a moment to thank my mother and father for all they have done for our family. It is because of you that I’m standing here today,’ Trump said.

And she talked about her path to American citizenship.

‘I arrived in the United States when I was 26 years old. Living and working in the land of opportunity was a dream come true. I wanted more. I wanted to be a citizen. After ten years of paperwork and patience, I studied for the test in 2006 and became an American citizen,’ she said.

‘It is still one of the proudest moments in my life because with hard work and determination, I was able to achieve my own American dream. As an immigrant and a very independent woman, I understand what a privilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we have. As first lady, I have been fortunate to see the American dream come true over and over again,’ she said. 

First lady Melania Trump will deliver the keynote address for the second night of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday from the newly-renovated Rose Garden

First lady Melania Trump will deliver the keynote address for the second night of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday from the newly-renovated Rose Garden

The more public and political remarks come the day after she held an event celebrating the 19th amendment and touting her husband's record on women outside the White House on Monday

The more public and political remarks come the day after she held an event celebrating the 19th amendment and touting her husband’s record on women outside the White House on Monday

She will make her speech from the White House Rose Garden, which she renovated and unveiled over the weekend

She will make her speech from the White House Rose Garden, which she renovated and unveiled over the weekend

 Tuesday night’s speech is meant to serve as a triple fold for the first lady: make the case for President Donald Trump’s second term, shore up his declining support among women voters, and bring redemption from her 2016 address, which liberally borrowed from a previous Michelle Obama speech.   

And she seemed to avoid any controversy in her remarks, which she has worked on for weeks. Her chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, told MSNBC earlier Tuesday that the words would be ‘authentic.’

‘We’ve been working really hard the last three weeks. I can tell you that every word in this speech is from her. It’s very authentic, and it’s going to come from the heart.’ she said.

Melania 2016 speech vs. Michelle 2008 speech 

Melania Trump in 2016 in Cleveland

‘From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect.

They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily lives. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son. And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.’

Michelle Obama in Denver in 2008

‘And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t know them, and even if you don’t agree with them.

‘And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and to pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.’

As one of the most prominent women in the administration, and someone with higher approval ratings than her husband, Melania Trump can help the president capture the key women voting bloc.

And her speech could be her most prominent campaign moment this year. Never a huge fan of the campaign trail to begin with – she made only a handful of appearances for her husband in 2016 – the first lady’s office has announced no plans for her this fall.  

Melania Trump was scheduled to host two fundraisers – one in California and one in Mar-a-Lago – before the cornavirus pandemic struck and the virus upended those plans. 

But, unlike first daughter Ivanka Trump or the other adult Trump children, the first lady has made no campaign zoom calls or online appearances to tout her husband’s re-election.

And her low profile comes as Joe Biden is closing the gap with women, in part because of the law marks they give President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The president, in the 2016 election, won white women without a college degree by 27 per cent. And he won suburban voters by 4 points. 

Tuesday also offered the first lady a second chance to address the party faithful after a plagiarism scandal at the 2016 Republican National Convention turned her big night into a political controversy.

A passage in Trump’s speech in Cleveland four years ago closely mirrored a portion of Obama’s address to the Democratic National Convention in 2008, borrowing word-for-word passages in some cases and echoing Obama’s themes. 

The incident caused an uproar and, as it happened on the first day of the convention, became the main topic of much of the rest of that week. 

Trump made few appearances on the campaign trail after it occurred and, eventually, a staffer for the Trump Organization took the blame for the mishap. 

After Melania Trump spoke to the GOP convention in 2016 (left), it was noted her speech borrowed word-for-word passages in some cases from Michelle Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention in Denver in 2008 (right)

After Melania Trump spoke to the GOP convention in 2016 (left), it was noted her speech borrowed word-for-word passages in some cases from Michelle Obama’s speech to the Democratic National Convention in Denver in 2008 (right)

Tuesday night's speech will also serve as redemption after Trump was accused of plagiarizing her 2016 convention speech from remarks Michelle Obama made at the 2008 Democratic Convention - above she's seen with President Trump four years ago in Cleveland

Tuesday night’s speech will also serve as redemption after Trump was accused of plagiarizing her 2016 convention speech from remarks Michelle Obama made at the 2008 Democratic Convention – above she’s seen with President Trump four years ago in Cleveland

Many took to social media to bash the new design, claiming it is  'cold, colorless and boring,' and looks like 'a cemetery'

Many took to social media to bash the new design, claiming it is  ‘cold, colorless and boring,’ and looks like ‘a cemetery’

White is the dominate theme of the new garden with some added pops of color from small pink roses and lavender flowers

White is the dominate theme of the new garden with some added pops of color from small pink roses and lavender flowers

The first lady’s remarks were made in the Rose Garden, whose renovations she oversaw were revealed on Saturday. It was a contrast in setting from the other speeches of the evening, most of which took place in the Andrew Mellon Auditorium, a few blocks from the White House. 

The garden’s renovations were paid for by private donations – not taxpayers – but the East Wing declined to release the donors’ name, calling it a private matter.

‘Gardens are symbols of growth and hope. We celebrate this garden in the hope that future generations will not only enjoy – but also draw inspiration and strength – from this space where so much of our history has been shared,’ Trump said at the reception of her remodel.

The newly-renovated garden conforms with the first lady’s personal aesthetic: clean lines, well structured, and soft, neutral colors. But others took to social media to bash the new design as ‘cold, colorless and boring,’ claiming it looks like ‘a cemetery.’ 

The first lady closed out a night of family speeches, including Tiffany Trump, the youngest daughter of the president who recently graduated from Georgetown Law School, and Eric Trump, the president’s son. 

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, spoke on Monday evening, as did his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle.

He made the major political argument of the night and struck directly and forcefully at his father’s rival for the presidency.

‘This time the other party is attacking the very principles on which our Nation was founded,’ he said of Democrats, in a speech taped before it was aired Monday.

He accused Biden, who spent over nearly four decades as senator from Delaware and then served as vice president, ‘the Loch Ness Monster’ of establishment Washington D.C.

‘Joe Biden is basically the Loch Ness Monster of the Swamp. For the past half-century, he’s been lurking around in there. He sticks his head up every now and then to run for President, then he disappears and doesn’t do much in between,’ Don Jr. said.

Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle recorded their speeches a few hours before they aired, completing them in one take, live to tape, learned.

Donald Trump Jr took his turn in the spotlight on Monday night as the highest profile member of the first family to address the Republican National Convention

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr.'s girlfriend, delivered her pre-taped speech to an almost entirely empty Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington D.C.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, delivered her pre-taped speech to an almost entirely empty Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington D.C.

The duo both prerecorded their remarks in one take before they aired – Here Don Jr. watches from the side as his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle deliver her speech on a TV in the auditorium

The duo both prerecorded their remarks in one take before they aired – Here Don Jr. watches from the side as his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle deliver her speech on a TV in the auditorium

In his remarks, the president’s eldest son and his most staunch defender addressed some of his father’s weakness – his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and race relations – while hitting Biden in one of his areas of strength – his appeal to middle-class workers.

He echoed his father in blaming the ‘Chinese Communist Party’ for the pandemic, which has infected more than 5.74 million Americans, including his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, and killed more 177,00 people.

He and Guifoyle, like most of the convention speakers Monday night, spoke from the Andrew Mellon Auditorium in Washington D.C., just a few miles from the White House.

Trump Jr. said Biden’s actions – if elected – would destroy the American economy.

‘Biden’s radical leftwing policies would stop our economic recovery cold. He’s already talking about shutting the country down — again. It’s madness,’ he said.

The president’s son, who works for the family business The Trump Organization, attacked Biden in one of the Democrat’s strongest areas – his appeal to blue-collar voters, the same voters that helped elect President Trump in 2016.

‘In fact, if you think about it, Joe Biden’s entire economic platform seems designed to crush the working man and woman,’ Trump Jr. said. ‘He supported the worst trade deals in the history of the planet. He voted for the NAFTA Nightmare. Down the tubes went our auto industry. He pushed TPP. Goodbye manufacturing jobs.’

Trump Jr. fist bumps Guilfoyle after they pre-recorded their addresses at the Andrew Mellon Auditorium in Washington D.C. for the first night of the Republican National Convention

Trump Jr. fist bumps Guilfoyle after they pre-recorded their addresses at the Andrew Mellon Auditorium in Washington D.C. for the first night of the Republican National Convention

President Trump’s family will take center stage at this week’s convention: first lady Melania Trump will give the keynote address on Tuesday night while Eric Trump and Tiffany speak the same evening. Ivanka Trump will introduce her father on Thursday night ahead of his keynote address, delivered from the South Lawn of the White House.

Meanwhile, Trump Jr appears to have found a calling in politics. A popular surrogate for his father at campaign rallies and a prolific fundraiser for the Republican Party, Trump Jr has sparked talk he’ll run for office one day himself.

But on Monday, he advocated for a second term for his father.

Guilfoyle, one of President Trump’s most energetic supporters on the campaign trail and the girlfriend of his eldest son, preceded Trump Jr on stage.

The couple make a popular side show ahead of the president at his campaign rallies with their cute, couplely shtick about their life in politics, complete with cute nicknames for one another.

After Guilfoyle finished her remarks, Trump Jr gave her a fist bump

The former Fox News host stuck to the campaign’s talking points in her brief remarks, emphasizing that Trump is the ‘law and order president’ while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to defund the police, which Biden has said is not true.

‘As Commander-in-Chief, he always puts America First! President Trump is The Law and Order President,’ she said. ‘Biden, Harris and their socialist comrades will fundamentally change this nation – they want open borders, closed schools, dangerous amnesty and will selfishly send your jobs back to China, while they get richer! They will defund, dismantle and destroy America’s law enforcement.’

She also criticized her former home state of California. Guilfoyle is the ex-wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom. When he was San Francisco mayor the couple were portrayed as the future of Democratic politics.

‘If you want to see the socialist Biden/Harris future for our country, just take a look at California. It is a place of immense wealth, immeasurable innovation and immaculate environment – and the Democrats turned it into a land of discarded heroin needles in parks, riots in streets and blackouts in homes,’ she said in dramatic tones.

She then pivoted to what life is like under President Trump.

‘In President Trump’s America we light things up, we don’t dim them down. We build things up, we don’t burn them down. We kneel in prayer and we stand for our flag!’ she said.

She spoke dramatically, waving her arms and practically shouting her words.

Guilfoyle, who is the finance chair of the Trump re-election campaign, promised the ‘best is yet to come’ under President Trump. She raised her arms wide, as if in prayer, shouting her support for the president.

‘President Trump is the leader who will rebuild the Promise of America and ensure that every citizen can realize their American Dream!,’ she said and closed with: ‘Ladies and Gentleman, Leaders and Fighters for Freedom and Liberty and the American Dream – The best is yet to come!’


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