‘Trinkets’ Cast Teases The Trio’s ‘Game’ With Brady, Elodie’s Life On The Road & More Season 2 Scoop
The second and final season of ‘Trinkets’ premieres Aug. 25. HL spoke EXCLUSIVELY with the ‘Trinkets’ trio about the aftermath of the season 1 finale and what to expect in the final episodes.
Trinkets season 2 will pick up right where we left off in season 1. Tabitha, Elodie, and Moe are back once again, and they have their work cut out for them in these final episodes of the Netflix series. HollywoodLife spoke EXCLUSIVELY with Quintessa Swindell, Brianna Hildebrand, and Kiana Madeira about what’s in store for this legendary trio.
From Brady’s manipulations and justice for the trio to Elodie’s life on the road with Sabine, there are a lot of moving parts to season 2. There’s also Moe’s brother coming back into her life. At the end of the day, this trio always finds their way back to each other.

Tabitha (Quintessa Swindell)
Brady will continue to be a problem for Tabitha, Elodie, and Moe in season 2. At the end of season 1, Brady was calling the police to file a report about Tabitha stealing his car. “There are repercussions for the things that they’ve done and they navigate it throughout the beginning parts of the second season,” Quintessa revealed to HollywoodLife. ‘I think that’s the same for everyone. Everyone’s a little trepidatious with what’s at stake.”
But the trio is not going to let Brady win. This isn’t just Tabitha’s battle, it’s a total trio effort. “It’s not only Tabitha and Brady going to head-to-head but rather Moe and Elodie also facing Brady head-on in the scope of the things that Brady thinks he can do to manipulate all of us or manipulate our situations at school or in our personal life,” Quintessa teased. “The fascinating thing about it all though is that the girls begin to understand that there’s a game to be played, and they play it back. They do it in a way less abusive way, but I feel like they give it right back to them in the way that they feel does them justice and gives their school justice as well.”

As for Luca and Tabitha, Quintessa said it’s not going to be an easy road for them. “I think just with everything going on, I feel like it’s really tough. I think it begins to affect their relationship as well,” they said.
The final season will also give fans more of a glimpse into Tabitha’s relationships with her parents. “That was something that I was really excited to see because it wasn’t as touched on before,” Quintessa said. “But I feel like the parents of Elodie, the parents of Moe, and the parents of Tabitha, they all come to the forefront. We see the exchanges between them all and how Tabitha, Moe, and Elodie all navigate it. I think, specifically for Tabitha, there’s a lot to unpack and discover in terms of her relationship with her mother and her relationship with her father and just trying to understand where they’re at as adults from her younger perspective. It’s tough but they make it through. There’s like some work to be done, but they work through it.”
Elodie (Brianna Hildebrand)
When we last saw Elodie, she had run off with Sabine on the road. Brianna teased how Elodie’s handling her big decision when the final season picks up. “I think she’s doing the best that she can,” Brianna told HollywoodLife. “I think she’s in a weird phase really this entire season where she’s trying to figure out what matters most to her. I think being on the road with Sabine is interesting, and she’s trying to figure things out. I give her props for trying.”

Elodie and Sabine definitely connected over music. Brianna revealed that Elodie’s journey in season 2 is about finding her own voice. “I think that that’s Elodie’s main thing,” Brianna continued. “I think Elodie is so self-conscious that she maybe holds herself back from the things that she really wants. I feel like she’s figuring that out about herself this season and figuring out what works best for her.
As for Elodie’s struggles with shoplifting, that will continue to be a focal point for the character. “Elodie is really trying to get better, so we get to see the struggles of addiction and how that affects the rest of her life and her relationships, which I think is really interesting,” Brianna said. “I think a lot of people struggle with addiction or have loved ones struggle with addiction. It’s really nice that we get to cover that. It’s nice to see Elodie trying to be the best version of herself.”
Moe (Kiana Madeira)
In the season 1 finale, Moe was seen stealing a bottle of tequila after getting rejected from the STEM program because she punched Bady. Is this the beginning of a difficult path for Moe? “Moe definitely goes through some hardship and is just trying to navigate the things that she’s dealing with in any way that she can, which does include drinking, unfortunately,” Kiana told HollywoodLife. “But I feel like it’s realistic. It’s not an easy journey for Moe, but it ends in a better place than it starts.”
Moe and Noah’s relationship will continue to be a major aspect of the final season. “We’re going to see a lot of the two of them together in season 2,” Kiana teased. “They have such a beautiful relationship. In my opinion, they can really handle anything that’s thrown at them, and a lot is thrown at them in season 2. So I’m excited for everyone to see that. I believe in them.”

Moe’s brother, Ben, will also be coming back to town in season 2. Kiana opened up about Moe’s relationship with her brother and how that will evolve. “Moe and her brother have always been very close since they were younger,” Kiana said. “They’re very close in age, but Moe’s brother went to military school, so they haven’t seen each other in a while. But when he comes back, it’s the way that I am with my siblings in real life, too. You have this relationship where no matter how long it’s been, you kind of pick up right where you left off. I’m excited for everyone to see the nuances in Moe’s family. You can see where Moe gets them from, and why Moe is as tough as she is has a lot to do with her older brother.”
More of Moe’s academic life will be explored in season 2. This aspect of Moe is something Kiana has been excited to dive into. “Season 1 ends with Moe stealing alcohol, so for Moe to actually embrace her academic strength, I was really happy that was part of the storyline,” Kiana told HollywoodLife. “Moe is, in general, pretty closed off and doesn’t allow people in very easily, so to see Moe actually embracing new friends and new environments and new situations, it was a joy to play. It made me happy to see Moe really opening up in different ways.”
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