Prayer for Strength and Perseverance with Godly Trust
25 Powerful Prayers for Perseverance and Strength with Prayer Card Images
When times get tough, or something you have been working hard for is not happening as quickly as you think it should, it can be hard to keep pushing forward. Here are the 25 most powerful prayers for perseverance, including images you can print to use and share.
Persevering in Godly Trust Prayer | Prayer for Strength
Father, Your word is trustworthy and worthy of all praise. Your word is true and Your promises are faithful. When difficulties strike fear in my heart, I know I can come to You for help. I entrust my life to you. I need not be afraid for there is nothing any mere human can do to me. When troubles come, please remind me to always trust You. When difficulties arise, teach me to continually depend on You. When the challenges ahead seem overwhelming, carry me through by Your grace. Amen.

Persevering Through God’s Strength Prayer | Prayer for Strength
Almighty Father, In You our God we find the support we need to carry on in life. We gather the strength we need to endure the hardships life brings. Our own physical capabilities and our motivational drives may fail us many times, but You faithfully rescue us. You are the Source of the strength we most need. Rid my heart of fear, knowing You are always with me. Clear my mind of troubling thoughts, knowing You are my Almighty God, the Foundational Rock, and Strength of my heart. Amen.

Confidence from God Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
My God, You are faithful and just in all that You do. Your Word is true. Your promises are unbreakable. Your Work is trustworthy. Help my heart keep and foster these truths that I may confidently persevere through my struggles with strength from Your promises and assurances. Steer me away from my doubts and my tendency to impatiently take charge of things. Keep me from relying on mere human understanding and capabilities. Teach me to focus on You and find full confidence in You. Amen.

Perseverance and Peace in Times of Need Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Lord, You infuse us with the inner strength we need. By Your power, we are able to endure all things. By trusting in Your Word, and by striving to live as you have commanded, we learn peace and contentment in every circumstance. We find satisfaction whether there is abundance or scarcity. When life is rough and we are financially in need, teach us to trust and persevere through these tough times with our eyes looking to you for direction. May we feel the fullness of Your presence dwell in us as we wait on You to see us through financial hardships. Amen.

Relying on God’s Wisdom Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Dear Father, Your ways are beyond our comprehension and Your wisdom exceeds the utmost of our understanding. Allow us to fully surrender unto you, trusting in the path you have set us on. We may not fully understand our troubles, but we know that in Your immeasurable wisdom You have planned things perfectly and You have our best interests in mind. Allow us, I pray, to draw from Your wisdom that we may see things from Your perspective and be strengthened to continue pursuing Your will. Amen.

Persevering in Hope (Promised Rewards) Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Bountiful Father, You are a Just God, fair in Your dealings and gracious to those who obey You and live to honor You. You remind us time and again that life will not always be comfortable or easy, and You lovingly warn us to be watchful of obstacles and anticipate hardships. But You also assured us of Your constant presence, Your faithful support and Your gracious rewards. Help us to persevere, knowing Your Word is true and Your rewards are certain, here now and in the life hereafter. Amen.

Persevering for Personal Growth Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Father in heaven, Your ways are perfect and fulfill Your righteous plans. The difficult trials You at times allow us to endure seem puzzling and unfathomable at first, but they eventually produce the results we desire ourselves. Teach us to always trust the way You guide us through life’s lessons. Help us to consistently see that the testing of our faith produces the steadfastness we very much need. Allow us to realize that our continual perseverance leads to the maturity and the Godliness You so desire in our lives. Amen.

Perseverance and Wisdom in Handling Relationships Prayer | | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Loving God, Your wisdom is perfect. Your knowledge is absolute. You allow us to see our journeys and relationships from a better perspective. You help us realize what we need to persevere and overcome relational conflicts. Your wisdom helps us better understand ourselves and others. I trust You for help and strength so that I may be able to resolve present conflicts with my loved ones today. Help me to never give up on them and may they never give up on me. Grant us patience and understanding so we can reach helpful compromises and sacrifices for a better relationship. Amen.

Understanding that God Always Remembers Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Faithful Father, You always remember our labors, our struggles, our hardships and our sufferings in our efforts to stand firm in living for Your glory. You see how we strive to be more like You. Help us to focus on this truth and give us the courage to press on with the full assurance of the hope we have in You, knowing that through faith and patience we will eventually fully realize and experience Your promises. Amen.

Focusing on Jesus Prayer | Prayer for Strength
Lord, You are the very source of our faith and the One who brings it to ultimate perfection. You made this possible by suffering an unjust death and allowing Yourself to be shamed on the cross. You left the comfort of heaven so that You could be the very example of suffering and perseverance for us. As we face life’s challenges and adversities, help us to learn from You and focus on what You did for us. Teach us to run life’s appointed course for us with patient endurance. Amen.

Empowered by God’s Unfailing Love Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Father, You are our ever-faithful and loving God. You care for us without exception. You support us without fail. When anxious thoughts plague me, You cheer me up with Your comforting presence. When doubts and weakness unsettle me, You uphold me with Your unfailing love. Without You as my constant help, I would have fallen into depression and despair. Constantly remind me of Your steadfast love and grant me the determination to persevere through difficulties, for Your love never ceases and Your help never fails. Amen.

Perseverance in My Work Prayer | Daily prayer
Father, You restore and strengthen us after we experience sufferings. You build us back up after our hardships. Though we go through difficulties and feel defeated many times, we are assured of Your loving care. By Your grace, we can overcome, so long as we persevere. Help me to keep these all firmly in my mind as I go about my daily work. Keep me strong and persistent as I handle my responsibilities and obligations. Energize me when I am tired. May I be unwavering in my resolve to pursue my goals in life. Amen.

Patiently Persevering Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Creator God, We are all the work of Your hand. You are our Potter and we are the clay. You desire for us to be shaped into the best possible version of ourselves. Through life’s difficulties, You are slowly molding us with precision. Help us to patiently face afflictions and persistently endure ordeals, knowing that in these sufferings You are working to create Your masterpiece. Teach us to be calm and patient in the face of adversity, and like the clay, willingly and trustingly submit to the Potter’s Hand. Amen.

Steadfast Through God’s Strength Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
God of Hope, You are the Almighty God. Your Power is supreme and You are without equal. We thank You for graciously giving us the privilege of being empowered according to Your glorious might. Please give us enough strength to endure life’s tribulations so that we will not be tempted to give up. Empower us with courage and confidence so that we can be patiently calm in the middle of distress, and not fall into despair and hopelessness. With overflowing joy, we thank Your loving empowerment, and the peace it brings. Amen.

Sustained by God’s Promise of Success Prayer | Prayer for Strength
Father, You graciously provide us opportunities in life and you generously reward those of us who rise to these occasions. But we know that life’s challenges can sometimes be overwhelming. They can be demoralizing at times, sapping our energy and weakening our spirits. You, however, have promised us success in due time, if we persevere in our efforts and continue in our goals. Encourage us with this truth, so that we will not become weary, knowing for sure that our efforts will bear fruit. Amen.

Persevering During Sickness Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Father in heaven, I take refuge in You, for You are my rock and my fortress. You defend me when I am oppressed, and You protect me in times of trouble. You are my shield. I claim this truth today. May I remember who You are and what You do for me in times of sickness. As I cope with physical and mental limitations, may I not be discouraged nor defeated. Keep me mindful that in You, my strength is restored and my will to persevere is renewed. Amen.

Relying on God for Direction Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Heavenly Father, You guide the path of those who delight in You. At times, troubles confuse my mind and problems mislead and disconcert my heart. I humbly beg for Your clear direction. Let Your words give me understanding. Lead me to the way of righteousness, that I may know Your will and direction for my life. Strengthen me to persevere on the right course, knowing that though I will stumble and fall, You will always be there to help me get back up. Amen.

Persevering Under God’s Care Daily Prayer
Caring Father, You faithfully keep watch over us, never ceasing from making sure we are safe, and never taking Your eyes off us as you guard us. Though we may run into trouble, we know that You will continue to give us the strength to keep our feet firmly planted in the right direction. When we struggle, give us the peace to realize that You have freed our paths from unnecessary problems. In the face of adversity, keep us steadfast so that we may persevere by the assurance of Your faithful presence. Amen.

Persevering in Joyful Hope Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Dear God, Our hope is anchored in You, for You alone are worthy of such trust and dependence. Your power is beyond measure and Your wisdom is beyond comprehension. Your plans for us are perfect and Your work in our lives is marvelous. This is our cause for rejoicing, for You are our God and You care for us with an everlasting love. With You on our side, we can persevere and face life’s difficult challenges with confidence, fully knowing that in constant prayer we find joy as we hope in You. Amen.

Persevering After Failure Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
God of my salvation, You are my Savior and Deliverer. You rescue me when I am in distress. You are my hope in the middle of failure. I humbly come to You, surrendering my fears, my doubts, and my worries. Correct me when my faith falters, and comfort me again with Your truth. Grant me the courage to rise again after I have failed. Let Your promises give me the confidence I need to continue forward and pursue my life’s purpose. Amen.

Persevering Under God’s Timely Protection Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Father, Our God, You are our Protector and our Comforter. In our most difficult moments, You faithfully ensure that we are not up against anything beyond our abilities. When we face adversity, You guarantee us help so that we are able to endure. And when things become unbearable, You provide us timely relief. Help us to take this truth to heart and rely on You instinctively. In times of hardship, enable us to persevere, to keep on pursuing our goals, and to never give up. Amen.

Strengthened by My Creator Prayer | Daily prayer
My Maker, You are the Creator of heaven and earth. By Your word, You created the sky. By Your breath, You made the stars. You are the Almighty. Your power has no equal. Do not allow me to forget this truth when I encounter difficulties. Do not let this slip my mind when I face adversity. Teach me to be unfazed by seemingly insurmountable problems, and help me to remain undeterred by overwhelming hardship. My help comes from You, my Creator. Amen.

Encouraged by God Our Sustainer Prayer
Dear Lord, You are our Loving God and Sustainer. You will never allow us to completely fail. You won’t allow us to be defeated by our fears, for You lovingly care for our welfare. Overwhelm our fears and doubts with the joy and confidence which Your promises bring. Sweep away our haunting failures and mistakes with the unchangeable truth of Your ever-present and unconditional love. Refresh and refocus our minds on You once more, that we may have the strength to persevere in Your Name. Amen.

Depending on God My Shepherd Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Father, You are my Great Shepherd. You provide my every need. You direct me to the right path. You protect me from every harm. In You alone, I find everything I need to live a full life. By Your help, I can deal with life’s challenges effectively and perseveringly. Teach me to be like sheep, following Your lead submissively, trusting Your protection confidently, and depending on Your provisions assuredly. Help me to submit to your guidance wholeheartedly, that I may keep pursuing the right path for my life. Amen.

Refreshed in God My Rest Prayer | Prayer for Strength | Daily prayer
Lord, In You alone, we find true rest. You are a relief to the weary. You are rest to the burdened. At times, we struggle through life’s troubles, clueless and aimless. You are there to provide instruction and direction. May we learn to trust to Your strength what we cannot handle ourselves so we can persevere. May we, in humility, fully depend on You when we are at our wit’s end. Do not allow us to fall into hopelessness. Instead, constantly remind us to come to you for rest. Renew us for the challenges ahead. Amen.