Play these fun whatsapp games | Whatsapp games dare | Whatsapp games with answers
Fun whatsapp games Texting Games To Play For Couples
You can also get to know a new boyfriend or girlfriend quite well by playing text games. In our busy days, we may not be able to call and say hi, all the time, but a private little text game will keep you smiling through your 9-5 day.
Get ready to have some serious fun. Some texting games are for girls only, if you have a jealous streak. Let the games begin! Never, ever, would I.
Have fun testing each other’s limits. Don’t be too personal or outrageous but stuck to real life, or super- funny scenarios. Never, ever, would I steal office stationery. Nor have you “borrowed” a pen…forever. Never, ever, would I kiss a stranger?
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This game is usually played as a drinking game – where if you have, done the deed you drink a shot. Swap this for an emoticon answer and keep it real. A thumbs up or down will also work. Texting games to play with a girl will bond you in a fun, flirty way.
If you’re playing in your downtime after hours, you could include alcohol but because there’s just two of you paying it would be better to swap out shots, for sips of a cocktail or beer.
Getting smashed is not the idea here – just to have fun and get to know each other a little more. It’s a spark for future conversations too. It’s parable best to nix the beverages unless you’re ready to spend the next day recovering from a major hangover.
Never, ever, would I drink too much on a work night. Text games can keep you connected throughout your working day. A little buzz – that you’re thinking of each other – and fun to be a bit silly too.
Kiss, Marry, Kill | whatsapp games | Whatsapp games dare
This one is a classic that your girlfriend or boyfriend will love playing with you. Tease each other and see which celebs, actors, musicians, sports star of just about anyone your partner would – kiss, kill or marry!
How about Britney Spears? Barrack O’ Bama? Tom Hanks? Kim Kardashian? Beware – adding real people that you both know is asking for trouble.
Yes, you suspect your girlfriend has a secret little crush on your brother but adding his name to the mix will only make her feel embarrassed! Get creative with your names and have fun!
Remember this is all fun – just because your boyfriend dreams of kissing or marrying Drew Barrymore doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. It’s make-believe and pretend.
If you’re a little insecure, and not quite confident enough to entertain the idea of your love interest with other people, it’s a better idea to skip it – as it is an ideal texting games to play with only with girls.
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Keep yourselves amused by adding another category if you want to – blackmail, send a plague too, curse persistent insomnia, serenade in the moonlight. It’s up to you. Keep it flirty and fun and you’ll both get a kick out of your answers.
20 Questions – whatsapp games
A classic text game for the couple that enjoys guessing games. All you need to do is think of an object, for example, carrots. Then your girlfriend or boyfriend has 20 questions they can ask to whittle down the field.
Animal, mineral or vegetable is always a good one to narrow the options. If you would like to up the stakes, you can still use the game to choose who pays for a date, or who gets to pick the movie on your date.
If you’re both competitive, you can keep a total running score, and offer a prize to the weekly winner too. The prize, or not, you can have fun to play knowledge detective.
This game will suit people with a bit more patience. If your girlfriend or boyfriend gets bored quickly, then this may be too much like hard work. Keep it real, and stretch your brain with this clue game. It’s up to you if you give a hint or not.
It’s all about having fun, so start easy and work towards more unique objects. Chose flirty forfeits if your love interest loses – kisses and hugs, ice- cream in the park. So, it’s a win-win!
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Funny Picture Challenge – whatsapp games | Whatsapp games dare
This unique text game will refine your Google research skills as you can try to outdo each other in finding absurdly hilarious images. The idea here is that one person proposes an outrageous theme or title, and the other person sees a matching picture.
Think ice skating puppy or a man dressed as an ice- cream, go crazy – zebras doing a line dance, people in a bizarre hat. Your imagination is your only limit. Think out of the box with this one and get ready to chuckle all day long.
If you both love celebrities you can challenge each other to find amusing pics of your favorite actors, musicians or artists captured doing funny things. Even ordinary things will seem amusing versus red carpet poses example, Kim Kardashian, shopping for toilet paper.
Pictures are quick and easy to send and will brighten your day. Turn up the fun instantly by taking exciting picture challenges. For example, an eskimo on a surfboard, a roller skating panda.
Guess the Lyric/Line – play these whatsapp games | Whatsapp games dare | whatsapp games with answers
You both need to be film buffs or music lovers for this one to work. You will need to quote a line from a film or lyrics from a song. Your boyfriend or girlfriend will then need to guess the movie title, actor or song, and musician.
Keep track of points or play for fun. If you’re both big fans it will be fun, if not it will be torture for your crush to Google everything, and feel like hard work.
It’s a cool trivia text game, but you both need expert knowledge and are familiar with the same films and artists for this one to be enjoyed.
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You can make it a little easier too if you like. Finish the title, finish the lyrics or name the actor. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is battling to answer, then it’s probably best to go for super well-known classics. It’s better to play fair than win. It’s all about fun, not an IQ test.
If you’re both experts, you can up the ante and include more obscure facts like awards, random trivia, and personal biographic info. You’ll both enjoy the challenge of testing your super fan status.
Texting games to play with your boyfriend will keep him distracted all day long – in a right way.
Name Trivia Challenge
You will need to select a category first, to play this game. It’s sometimes a drinking game at parties and if you can’t answer there is a forfeit. For couples, you could play with a prize in mind and use a scoring system.
Subtract from 10, for example, to perform using points. Categories can be anything you like, for example, country names, celebrities, American states, televisions shows, film titles.
The idea here is to add another name, using the last letter of the name used an example, celebrities: Jennifer Anniston, Norma Jean Baker, Renee, and Zellweger.
When you play in a group you can use a double letter name to reverse the order; when playing as a couple, this rule need not apply – you will revert the turn to yourself.
Truth or Dare
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You can have endless fun playing this text game with your girlfriend or boyfriend. For the dares, you will need photographic evidence that they have been completed. Be sensible and don’t get over personal or cross the line with your truth questions!
Keep it friendly and flirty, or it could lead to trouble.
Honesty is required and a willing spirit. If your partner is not the adventurous type, it may be a little too much, too soon. Use your judgment to decide if you’re both ready to play this revealing game.
You could ask anything at all but don’t go crazy. Example, have you ever gone skinny dipping? Have you ever accidentally shoplifted something? All good – have you ever cheated on your girlfriend?
Would you rather ….
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This one will keep you thinking up fun scenarios and clue you up to your love interests likes and dislikes in a funny texting game. Conjure up dilemmas that will keep their interest piqued – which one is worse?
Which option would your boyfriend or girlfriend pick? You can choose safer alternatives or risk!
You’ll have the most fun with double- dilemmas. So, there should be two things to choose from in each scenario.
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These are as follows:
- Would you rather be a world-famous stunning model with a super low IQ or a genius scientist who is not attractive at all?
- Would you instead have a big nose and small but or small nose and big bottom? You will soon get the hang of it!
Would you instead work for a horrible boss for an excellent salary, or, a great boss for an average paycheck? Live on tropical island amity a great job and be wheat intolerant or live in the suburbs, with an average job, allergy free?
Would you rather live weak as a person with unquestionable morals or live rich with questionable ones? Would you rather be overweight and happy or have the body of your dreams and have IBS?
Be your Muses – whatsapp games | Whatsapp games dare | whatsapp games with answers
This one if for the creative couple who enjoy books, co-write your own stories. Decide what the word limit will be and keep the plot moving. Can you finish each other’s sentences? Put your creative powers together and have fun with this text writing game.
It will twist and turn, keeping you both ready to add the next line. Example: Rose felt happier than ever because she’d won the lottery. She quit her job.
It’s up to you – sentences, paragraphs, but when you’re texting you need to keep it a little shorter. It’s not a novel that you’re writing (Although that may be fun too). You’re having fun with words and letting your imagination free.
You can keep the story going for as long as you’d like to. Who knows? Your texting story game could lead to the outline of the best-selling novel, or just keep you amused.
Don’t overthink you’re writing either; nobody is checking your grammar – it’s all about fun texting your boyfriend or girlfriend and being creative.
If you’re a little more serious in your relationship, you could try your erotic fiction or love fantasy story. If you’ve just started dating this is probably not a good idea. Ditto if you have a jealous nature.
You don’t want to confuse fiction with reality and feel like you don’t live up to some fictional character.
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Q n A
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This is a personal trivia game where you can ask each other question and get to know each other a little more. This texting games to play with a girl can be really funny and exciting.
Steer away from interview style rambling questions that are too probing. What you’re aiming for our light and fun. These are
Examples of such Q n A are as follows:
- Early bird or Night owl?
- Beach vacation or mountain escape?
- Teenage crush? First pets name?
- Bath or shower?
- Midnight cookie jar or potato chips?
Don’t ask leading questions but simple ones, if you like, you can make matters a little more detailed. For example, top three pizza toppings? But don’t go for essay answers, it’s just a game. A little tease and wink hello, I’m thinking of you and want to know you more.
Have fun getting to know some of the more random personal details of your boyfriend or girlfriend with this QuickDraw Q n A style texting game.
Don’t overthink your questions or answers. Keep it light and breezy, and bit too personal. It’ll keep you amused all day long. Are you ready to play?
30 Fun Whatsapp Games to Play Over Text That’ll Keep You Connected During Quarantine

Texting games can be a fun way to keep up with friends during the coronavirus quarantine or a great way to spice up an ongoing conversation. From fun games to play over text with friends to love games to play over text with your boyfriend, the best texting games will keep you entertained for days.
Whether you want a nice dose of nostalgic, fun texting games to pass the time during quarantine or you’re looking for some cute emoji games to play over text with your girls, here are 30 of the most fun texting games for girls and guys alike.
You can play these fun texting games on your phone with anyone—from friends to your girls to your boyfriend to your extended family. So grab your phone and get a fun texting game started!
30 Whatsapp Games to Play Over Text
1. 20 Questions – whatsapp games | whatsapp games with answers
To play the 20 questions texting game, one player must pick something from their imagination; it could be an object, place, or even an obscure celebrity. Then your friend will try to guess the object you chose in 20 “Yes or No” Questions or less.
2. Emoji Translation
If you and your friend both have an emoji keyboard, give this texting game a try! The rules of the game are simple: You send an emoji (or a string of them), and your friend tries to interpret what it means.
3. Friendship Tag –
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This texting game is a great way to discover how well you and your pals know each other! Simply, ask your friend or loved one questions about yourself or your relationship together to see how well your friend knows you.
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4. Trivia
The great thing is about trivia is that it can be played anywhere—including your phone! To start, have you and your friend pick a category familiar to you. Then, ask each other different questions from that chosen category. Each correct answer scores a point and the first person to earn 10 points, wins!
5. Kiss, Marry, Kill
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Take a modern twist on this classic and fun school game. To play the Kiss, Marry, Kill, you will select three people (they can be anyone from mutual friends to A-List celebrities) and your friend has to choose which one to kiss, which one to marry, and which one to kill.
6. Would You Rather?
“Would You Rather” is a fun texting game, and it’s also known as “either-or” and “this or that.” The Would You Rather game requires you and your friend to pick one of two difficult choices.
7. Most Likely To
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This texting game can be played with one or even a big group chat. Ask a most likely to question. If you’re playing with a group, everyone will mention the person the question fits. If only two people are playing, both will choose the person who most likely the question fits.
8. Never Have I Ever
This texting game can also be played during a video call and is a great way to get to know people or learn more about your friends. This game is usually played with alcohol but you can always play with a different form of punishment like point deduction, post an embarrassing photo to social media– it’s up to you! The rules to the game are as follows: 1) A deed beginning with “Never have I” is read.
2) If you have done the deed, you take a sip from your drink or the set punishment. 3) No lies!
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9. Guess the Riddle
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Riddles are always fun and brain-teasing. The rules for this texting game are simple. Ask your friend a riddle. Set the number of tries they have to get the correct answer. Pro Tip: Don’t pick overcomplicated riddles as it makes it hard to solve and can suck the fun out of the game.
10. Name Game
This texting game is one of the most spectacular ways to waste time. You and your friends choose a topic, such as celebrities or zoo animals. The first player will say a word in the chosen category. The second player then says a word or a name that begins with the last letter of the first player’s word.
11. Word Unscramble – whatsapp games | Whatsapp games dare | whatsapp games with answers
This texting game is the closest to Scrabble! You pick a word, and then your friend has to come up with other words that could be formed using the letters from the selected word.
12. Story Time
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In this texting game, you and your friend will make up a story – one sentence at a time. One person starts the story with a line. The other player adds to the story with another line. This game can go on for as long as the players want or when the story comes to a logical stopping point.
13. Unpopular Opinions
In this fun game, you and your friends will take turns sharing your unpopular opinion on various topics like restaurants or hit movies and commenting on each other’s opinions.
14. Take a Trip
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Start this texting game by writing “I am going to ____ and I am taking ____.” Both you and your friends have to finish this sentence by filling the blanks with words starting with the letter A and working through the alphabet until you get to the letter “Z”.
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15. Gun to Your Head
In this fun texting game, you ask your friends what they would do if a gun were pointed to their head. For example: “Gun to your head, which celebrity event would you sneak into?” The rules are you cannot attack your attacker and you have to answer the question.
16. Name that Tune
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The rules of this texting game are easy. You simply text a lyric to your friends and whoever correctly names the song first is the winner. If no one gets it from the line you send out, you can keep sending them lyrics until they guess it or admit defeat.
17. Questions Only
This texting game is a great way to pass time with friends. All the participants can only ask each other questions—nothing else! When asked a question, you can only reply with another question and you cannot repeat a question that’s already been asked. If someone takes too long to answer, they are out.
18. Abbreviations
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To play this game, all you have to pick a category, mention an abbreviation or acronym in that category and your friend has to tell you the correct meaning of the abbreviation. The person with the highest number of correct answers wins the game.
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19. WWYD?
Calling all the creative storytellers out there! WWYD is a fun texting game full of situations and questions. Come up with a hypothetical scenario and pose it to your friend. Ask them what they would do to escape the situation or how they would adapt.
20. Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
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This texting game is great for movie buffs. Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a trivia game based on the “Six Degrees of Separation” concept which says that any two people on the planet can be linked with a maximum of six steps. To begin, present Kevin Bacon and another actor or actress to your friends. Watch them try to link the two together by linking their movie roles in as few rounds as possible.
21. Tell the Truth
Set a punishment for any player who declines to answer (some examples are sending everyone $5 over Venmo, posting an embarrassing picture on Instagram, sliding into a celebrity’s DMs). Then, pick a person to go first and ask that person a personal question and that person has to answer or face the punishment (if you play over Snapchat or FaceTime, you can do dares!).
22. Make It Rhyme
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To begin, one person enters a word or phrase to which the second person must respond with a word or phrase that rhymes with the previous text. You will go back and forth until one of you can no longer come up with a rhyming response.
23. Finish My Sentence
This texting game is best played with close friends and romantic partners. One person will start a sentence and the other will complete it. The sentences can be cool, funny, and even a little dirty.
24. Hangman
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It’s hard to picture playing Hangman without the stick figure dangling in the wind but it’s possible! Text your friend a series of underscores representing the number of letters in the word you’ve chosen. Your friend will respond with a letter they believe might be in the word. If the guess is correct, send your friend the underscores again, this time filling the correctly guessed letter. If they are wrong, you can reply with the number of guesses that remain (in a typical game of hangman, they’re 6!).
25. Ghost
The goal of this texting game is to add letters to a growing word without actually completing it. You can set rules like the word must have a certain length or the category in which the word may fall but you must have an actual word in mind. Each player adds a letter, one after the other, and the person who completes the word receives a “G”. The game continues until one friend gets all the letters in the word “ghost.” This is similar to the game Horse!
26. Where’s Your Location?
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To begin this texting game, examine your surroundings, and notice that make it unique (like a coffee table, a chalkboard, or an espresso machine). Your friend guesses where you might be, using your hints as stuff to go off of. You can be as vague or specific as you like. This game is like iSpy except you’re describing a location instead of an object.
27. Text Strip Questions Game
If you’re looking to get a little flirty with your latest Tinder match, then this texting game is for you. You and your boo will ask each other trivia questions and anyone who gets the answers wrong has to remove a piece of their clothing.
28. The Laughing Game
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This texting game has a fun twist: the person answering the question may only respond with pre-selected answers! At the beginning of the game, you and your friends will choose words that will act as answers (like bees, flowers, owls, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg). Next, you will ask each other questions and the answers can only be the words that have been chosen.
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29. Lightning Fast
This texting game is a great way to see into someone’s inner psyche. You will send your friend a word and they must reply with the first thing that pops in their mind when they read that word– easy peasy and oh so much fun!
30. Fantasy Team
Have you ever wondered who you want on your team during a zombie outbreak? Or your own personal boy band? In this texting game, you and your friend will take turns building your own personal team ready for action. Simply, decide on a task or a scenario and set the number of people per team. Take turns recruiting people until you reach the number you decided upon (make sure there are no repeats). The person with the strongest team wins!