multi-colored Hessonite Gemstone (Gomed) is considered to bring this effect on wealth
Effects of Hessonite Gemstone (Gomed stone ratna)
Hessoniteis Gomed considered to be the gem of Rahu, that is, its lord Rahu. Rahu is a shadow planet. It has no existence of its own, it starts giving its fruits according to the sense, zodiac, constellation or planet. People of astrology suggest wearing onyx when Rahu starts giving adverse results due to low or inauspicious results.
Hessonite Gomed stone is a gem of Rahu, wearing it can have both benefits and disadvantages. Therefore, before wearing Hessonite Gomed stone , it is important to know about it well. It has different names in different languages. In Sanskrit, it is called Hessonite , pig crystal, rahu-ratna, onyx in Hindi, zarkunia in Persian and zircon in English. Its color is yellow or similar to that of Gaumutra.
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The properties of Hessonite Gomed are
pure and superior Hessonite Gomed stone is bright, beautiful, smooth, of good ghat and bright. It looks like an owl’s eye. Not only this, if the pure Hessonite is weaved into the sawdust, its brightness increases, while the glow of the fake onyx is destroyed. Not only this, the defective Hessonite Gomed stone is not neutralized, but proves harmful to the holder. Wearing Hessonite Gomed stonecures diseases of heat, fever, spleen, spleen etc. In the diseases like epilepsy, air rage and piles, taking it with milk is beneficial.

Keep these things in mind –
if there are many colors in the Hessonite Gomed stone , it is destructive of money.
If there is no glare in the Hessonite Gomed stone, then it is harmful and pathological for women.
– Red colored Hessonite Gomed stonecauses various diseases.
– If there is any type of stain in the Hessonite Gomed stone , there is a fear of accidental death by wearing it.
-Which is dry or dry, it reduces respect in society.
– The pit on the Hessonite is considered a destroyer of wealth and dignity.
– If there are red splashes in the garnet, then it causes economic loss and stomach problems.
-If there is no glow of any kind in the Hessonite , then the body can become paralyzed.
– In which there is a speck of any other color, it is a livestock destroyer.
– In which it is like red, it destroys all kinds of pleasures.