Whatsapp Dare games with answers for your friends
Whatsapp Games
Choose a number between 1 to 10 then I will send a dare that you have to complete for me. And I put that on my status if you want. Try it.
- Your relationship with me.😍
- Write my name on your WhatsApp status for 24 hours.😶
- Rate me as a friend from 5 to 10😎
- Tell me about your relationship status.😅
- Tell me your crush name.😍
- Tell me your GF/BF name.😋
- Send me a voice record and sing a song.😬
- Make a collage of our pic and make your Dp.🙃
- Chat with me for 30 minutes.🤨
- Recharge. (Rs 50)🤑
2. Choose a triple number then I will tell you who you are. You don’t believe it? Then try it. You gonna believe it.
1. 000
2. 111
3. 222
4. 333
5. 444
6. 555
7. 666
8. 777
9. 888
10. 999
000 – Hard Worker.😎
111 – True Lover.😍
222 – Cheater.😁
333 – Addict🤣
444 – Silent Killer.🏹
555 – Lazy In Bed.😴
666 – Handsome.😀
777 – Proud And Sweet.🤗
888 – Lovely & Caring.😘
999 – Proud And Sweet.🤩
3. Choose any alphabet from A – Z and be so careful 😆 Because I send some dares.😙
- A = Write my name on your story.
- B = Give me a treat.
- C = Do a favor on me.
- D = Send me your cutest pic.
- E = Send me your crush pic.
- F = What would u want our relation to be?
- G = What change would you want me?
- H = Ask me out.
- I = Send me your favorite chaddi (shorts) pic?
- J = Write my name on your status and saying You Love Me
- K = What I am to yours?
- L = Voice clip sends me and asks “I Love You “
- M = Send me a pic of your hair.
- N = Call me now.
- O = What favor do you want from me?
- P = Delete my number.
- Q = Write my name.
- R = Tell your deepest secret.
- S = Your wild fantasy.
- T = Tell me something that you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…
- U = Make our one together pic and put it on your DP for one day.
- V = Your felling about me.
- W = What think do you change in my attitude?
- X = Your crush name?
- Y = Your relation status
- Z = Can I share it with my story?
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4. Guess the movie name from this following emoji. It is a dare, you must complete it sends others also. But reply to me first.

- Chennai Express
- Kali Charan.
- Raju Cha Cha
- No one Killed Jessica
5. Choose an alphabet and then I will send some dare questions list.
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
A = The quality you like in yourself?
B = What your deepest secret?
C = What is your best friend’s name?
D = My name on your contact list?
E = A nickname for me?
F = A song that you want to dedicate me?
G = One quality you like in me?
H = One thing you hate in my attitude?
I = Your crush name?
J = What is your relationship status?
K = Your bf/GF name?
L = Color that suits me most?
M = Which dress suit me?
N = Relationship status with me?
O = What you find most attractive in my look?
P = Rate my look out of 10.
Q = Rate mt DP out of 100.
R = Send me your crush picture.
S = Send me a picture of what are you doing now.
T = Tell me a secret that you never told me.
U = Write my name n your status.
V = Call and say I LOVE YOU.
W = Delete my number.
X = Call me to talk to me for 30 minutes.
Felling about me.
Y = First impression when you saw me first.
Z = Where we first time meet?
Whatsapp Games to play with friends
6. If God gives you another life, then which character you play in my life?
1. Baby
2. Lover
3. Enemy
4. Brother
5. Sister
6. Father
7. Best Friend
8. Only Friend
9. Husband
10. Wife
11. Student
12. Sister In Law
13. Crush
Reply to me first. Can I put your answer on my story? Send them another person and find some interesting answers. You can send me also. play these whatsapp games
7. Choose one alphabet from here then I will call you with the name you choose. It will be fun. You can send me it too. But answer me first.
- A – Sweet Heart💖
- B – Donkey🐼
- C – Mental😵
- D – My Love😍
- E – Piggy🐖
- F – Stupid😑
- G – Monkey🐒
- H – Sweety😘
- I – Tubelight🌠
- J – Honey🍯
- K – Beautiful😊
- L – Ch*tiya😋
- M – Bc😀
- N – Chipku😉
- N – Motu🙄
- O – Babu😮
- P – Sexy😄
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8. Choose any Emoji from the below list then I will tell you who you are. You wouldn’t believe. Try it.
😀 ❤ 💔 🙄 😍 😎 😴 🤩 💥 😘
😀 True friend.
❤ Sweetheart.
💔 Heart breaker
🙄 Addict
😍 A true lover
😎 Hard worker
😴 Very Lazy
🤩 Handsome
💥 Hot & Sexy
😘 Best flatter
9. Choose A number figure then I will tell you your partner personality.😎 Don’t believe?🙄 Try it.👍
8943 – Boring🙄
9357 – Simple😃
7486 – Caring😊
7746 – Full Of Attitude😎
4396 – Talkative😅
2619 – Beautiful😘
4739 – Attractive🤩
0974 – Strong😉
1084 – Romantic💖
7999 – Naughty😒
9365 – Pretty💕
2164 – Secretive🤐
3174 – Private.👌
10. Choose any numbers between 1 – 20 and you will have to complete the dare for any number you select.
1. Who am I for you?
2. Give me a treat.
3. Ignore me
4. What was your secret?
5. Don’t talk to me for 1 day.
6. What’s your deepest secret?
7. Send me a picture of what you’re doing now.
8. Send me your crush picture.
9. Send a pic of your leg.
10. Send me a voice note saying that you love me.
11. Make my picture your do for 1 day.
12. Send a pic of your crush.
13. Tell me one thing you have never told anyone.
14. Send a voice clip saying my name in loud voice.
15. Ask me out.
16. Delete my number.
17. Write your phone number in your status for 1 day.
18. What your secret?
19. Write my name on your status.
20. Tell me something that you always wanted to say but you couldn’t.
Also play these whatsapp games
11. Who am I for you? Choose from here, Then I will give you its meaning. It’s a dare. Complete it.
- Sweets.🍥
- Burger🍔
- Cigarette
- Pain Killer🍵
- Chocolate🍫
- Pizza🍕
- Drugs🍻
- Sweet = Best Friends
- Burger = Time Pass
- Cigarette = Addict to me
- Pain Killer = You need me
- Chocolate = You love me
- Pizza = Good Friends
- Drugs = Can’t live without you
12. Choose an emoji from this picture then I will send some dare that you have to complete. That is very interesting. Let’s try it.

- Tell a secret about you.
- Tell me about your a bad moment
- Tell me something that you never tell me.
- Tell me something about me that I don’t know.
- I want a kiss.
- Next time when we meet you hug me.
- What attracted you to me?
- Tell me your darkest secret.
- How do you find me?
13. Pick one heart then I send one dare that you must complete. So carefully pick one heart.
❤ 💙 💚 🧡 💛 💜 ❣ 💔 🖤 💕 💞 💓 💗 💖 💘 💟 💌 💝
- 🖤 Tell me the name of your first love.
- 💙 Flirt With Me.
- 💚 Propose me in a different style.
- 🧡 Send me I love you.
- 💛 Record a dance video and send me it.
- 💜 Tell me the of your first crush.
- ❣ Sing a song and record it and send it to me.
- 💔 Rate Our relationship out of 10.
- 🖤 Make a collage of our picture and make your DP.
- 💕 Speak to me for 3 hours.
- 💞 Your first kiss?
- 💓 Make my name as your status and saying that You Love Me.
- 💗 Tell me your deepest secret.
- 💖 Tell me about one of my bad habits that you hate.
- 💘 What thing do you like most about my looks?
- 💟 Rate my looks out of 10.
- 💌 Tell me one thing that you never told me.
- 💝 Come on a video call and send me some kisses.
14. Answer the following questions in 2 minutes. It is a game.
1. How do we meet?
2. Which place when the first time you saw me?
3. Who am I to you
4. Do you trust me?
5. First impression when you saw the first time.
6. My name on your phone.
7. What thing do you dislike in my attitude?
8. One word that describes me.
9. What thing do you like about my character?
10. Can I share your answer on my WhatsApp story?
Interesting right? Send your friends and get some interesting answers but first reply to me.
Send me also if you find me your friend.
15. Hamari Dosti Kab Tak Rahegi?
Koi 1 number select Karen 152 , 158 , 646, 145 , 879 ,656 , 911 , 851
152 = Burhape Tak
158 = Kam Waqt Tak
646 = Hamesha K Liye
145 = Kuch Arsay Tak
879 = Sadhi Tak
656 = Puri Zindagi
911 = Aik Saal Tak
851 = Mout Tak
16. Choose between a number 1 to 09 then I will send you what you like or what you like to do or about your personality. Can’t believe it? Try it then.
0. You love to reject who loves you.
1. I want to propose you one but then I feel nervous.
2. You want to kiss your lover.
3. You want to get married soon.
4. I always think about your lover.
5. You like to go on a honeymoon trip.
6. You love your one friend but never propose.
7. You hating everyone.
8. You have a crush and you want to propose.
9. You love someone but don’t want to reveal.
17. Pick a number between 1-11 then I will tell you about your personality. You don’t believe it? Then try it once.
1. You are negative.
2. You are romantic but you decline.
3. You are secretive and shy.
4. You are a hardworking person.
5. You are lucky that why your success.
7. You are flatter and you don’t want love.
8. Helpful and kind person.
9. A true lover.
10. You love an entertaining person.
11. You are a lazy person.
18. Select any lucky emoji and then I will send you some dare but remember you can’t back out. You send me too. Reply to me first.
💖 Write I love you ” my name ” on your status
😉Be my bf/gf for one day.
🤐Tell me a secret of yours.
😭Send me a picture of what are you doing now.
😒What I am for you?
💋 Send me a kiss.
😘Tell me the name of the first girl/boy, you kissed.
😠Tell me which thing you don’t like in my attitude?
😍Rate my looks out of
😳Do 5, 9, 3 dares.
🤕 Send me a voice recorder that you tell me “I LOVE YOU”
Funny whatsapp games
19. Choose any emoji, Then I will send you some dare. That you have to do. You send me also. But reply to me first.
🤑 Recharge my phone of 50rs.
💋 Kiss me.
🧐 Send your cutest picture.
🤭 Send your worst pic.
😍 Tell me your crush name.
💖 Write I LOVE YOU ” my name ” to your status.
🤩 Give me your bf/gf number.
💃 Propose me.
🍕 Give me a treat.
🎴 Put my picture on your dp for 1 day.
💻 Collage a picture and status that pic for 1 day.
😑 One thing which you hate in my attitude.
20. There are 8 cities name hide in the below emoji. Tell me the cities names.
- 🏛®U
- 💖li
- 💣💃
- ▶🚪
- ⚫🔫
- 🕌🛏
- 🔥®🅰
- ⛓🆕
- Bangaluru
- Delhi
- Bombay
- Indore
- Calcutta
- Hyderabad
- Agra
- Chennai
21. Choose a double number between these then I will send you some dares. And you must answer it.
54, 85, 68, 87, 85, 02, 48, 65, 48, 98, 87
Answers :
54 = Rate me my looks out of 100😎
85 = What makes me different?😃
68 = Propose Me.💕
87 = Say three magical words.💖
85 = Kiss me.💋
02 = Rate our relationship status in between 1 to 10🤩
48 = When did you start liking me?💃
65 = Can I say to my father about our relationship.😂
48 = What qualities do you like me in mine?🙄
98 = What thing you dislike in my attitude?🤨
87 = Tell your secret that you hide from me.🤐
22. You have to send it to your lover/soulmate/husband/wife and see what they want from you in return.
In this list what you want from me. Send it to me also if you want something from me.
1…. Dinner
2…. Meet You
3…. An apology
4…. A deep kiss
5…. A baby
6…. A car
7…. Let’s start over
8…. Kill u
9…. Best friend forever
10… Hot slap
11… A gift
12… Money
13… Our own home
14… Advice
15… Meet you
16… Let you go
17… Marriage
18… Forgiveness
19… Fun time
20… Always be there for u
21… Serious relationship
22… Conversation
23… Your heart
24… Take a pic together
Send it to him/her and let’s see what he/she want from you.
23. Select one then I will send some dare that you must complete.
01 – 02 – 03 – 04 – 05 – 06 – 07 – 08 – 09 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15 – 16 – 17 – 18 – 19
01 – Hug me when next time we meet
02 – Call me for an hour.
03 – Send me your hot picture.
04 – Delete my number from your phone.
05 – Date me.
06 – Rs 100 recharge on my mobile.
07 – Propose me in three different styles.
08 – Send a Shayari for me.
09 – My name on your status.
10 – Tell your dad about our relationship.
11 – Take me for a long drive.
12 – Make my picture your dp for 1 day.
13 – Make status on WhatsApp of your a together picture.
14 – What am I to you?
15 – Which habit do you dislike about me?
16 – Which thing do you hate in my attitude?
17 – Next time we meet you to give a bar of chocolate.
18 – Kiss me when we meet next time.
19 – A romantic date.
24. Choose a number between 1 – 20 then I will send some dare that you have to complete.
- Send the cutest pic of yours.
- Write my name on your status and saying “I LOVE YOU”
- Don’t talk to me for 1 day.
- Send me kisses in a video clip.
- Tell me your favorite actor/actress and reason with it.
- Tell me about your dark fantasy.
- Tell me your crush and name.
- What thing you find more attractive in my looks.
- Tell me the brand of your under-garments.
- Sing a song and send me it.
- A secret that you never told me.
- Delete my number.
- Make my picture to your DP for 1 day.
- Ignore me.
- Send me a picture of what you are doing now.
- Send a picture of your crush.
- Tell me a secret about our relationship.
- Send me your best friend’s number.
- Put your status and saying “I am mad”
- Take me for a long drive.
25. Choose one number from 1 – 15 and then I send you some questions, Answer fast.
- Use my photo and make your DP for 1 day.
- Send me your hot picture.
- Put my name on your status and write ‘I LOVE YOU’.
- Click a picture of your leg and send me it.
- Send me kisses in a video clip.
- Tell me your favorite actor /actresses?
- Send your worst picture.
- Send me a voice clip, saying I LOVE YOU.
- Tell me the brand of your undergarments?
- Sing a song and send me a recording.
- Next time when we meet you give me a tight hug.
- Make a collage of our photo and make it your status.
- Tell me your crush name?
- When you first time kiss a girl/boy?
- Are you ever fantasize about the same gender?
26. Pick a color from the below list then I will send some dares that you have to do to complete these dares. It will be fun. Try it.
Red – Blue – Green – Grey – White – Yellow – Purple – Sky Blue.
Red – Delete your GF/bf number fro your phone
Blue – Don’t talk to your bf/GF for 1 day.
Green – Call your dad and tell him about your partner.
Grey – Drink one bottle of water now.
White – Tell me your darkest secret.
Yellow – Read the last message of your partner loudly.
Purple – Take a picture now and make it your DP without any editing.
Sky Blue – Make a collage pic of your and your partner picture and put it on your status.
27. It is the test how much you know about me. I am gonna upload your answers to my WhatsApp Story. Are you interested? Send your contact and close people and get their answers.
1. My Birthday?
2. Who am I for you?
3. My bad habits?
4. My quality that attracts you?
5. I love?
6. Which word do I say the most?
7. My Favorite Colour?
8. My favorite food?
9. Can I post your answer on my WhatsApp story?
If you like it then share it with your friends.
28. Guess What I am?
I am a 5 letter word.
Everybody wants to eat me.
If you remove my first alphabet, Then I become one kind of energy.
If you remove my first 2 alphabets then You need me for surviving.
If you remove my first 3 letters, I will be a proposition and near you!
If you remove my first 4 alphabets, I will a drink.
What I am?
Answers: WHEAT
29. A daring game! Its gonna lots of fun. Reply to me first. Then if you want you can send m too. Reply Fast.
Choose a word from the list:
- FE
- NF
- NE
- OE
- PE
- JD
- NS
- FN
- IW
- NV
- NA
- Your biggest secret.
- Buy 10 chocolate for me.
- 100 rs recharge on my phone.
- Kiss me when we meet.
- Describe me in one word.
- Sing a song and send me a voice clip.
- Make my picture on your DP for 1 day.
- When we meet hug me.
- Send a picture of you.
- Call me now.
- Talk to me for 1 hour.
30. Choose an alphabet between this then I will send the dare question that you have to complete. Choose carefully.
A = Why do you avoid me?
B = I want to see my picture on your status.
C = Why you hesitate in front of me?
D = Block me f you don’t like me.
E = I want a kiss
F = Tell me if you love it?
G = Do you like me?
H = Write my name in your status.
I = What thing you find attractive in me?
J = Tell me your deepest secret.
K = Who is your crush?
L = How you describe our relationship.
M = hug me.
N = Send me a heart if you love me.
O = Tell me your dark secret.
P = Which quality you like the most in my attitude?
Q = Which quality you hate the most in my attitude?
R = Rate my looks out of 10
S = When you first saw me, what thing comes on your mind?
T = Chat me for 2 hours.
U = Send your best picture.
V = Make our together picture and put it on your status.
W = Why you don’t talk to me?
X = What’s your relationship status?
Y = Do you care about me?
Z = What thing you find attractive in my looks?
31. Answer these following questions. Remember these questions are tricky. So answer carefully. Let’s see how many answers you can get correctly.
- Which is the most shocking city in the world?
- What’s come down but never goes up?
- Where the first potato found?
- If money starts growing on trees, what happens?
Answers :
- Electricity
- Rain
- In the ground
- Girls will be dating Monkeys.
32. Choose any one Mobile function from the given list and I will tell you about how will be your life partner
1) Messaging
2) Contacts
3) Camera
4) Media
5) Apps
6) Settings
1) Messaging: Loving and Caring
2) Contacts: Very talkative and Bold
3) Gallery: Romantic and Deep Thinker
4) Media: Social and Funny
5) Apps: Boring and Selfish
6) Settings: Irritating