LifestyleThe Buzz

Number of porn viewers increased in lockdown, free premium service worldwide

The orgy of death due to corona virus continues. Almost all countries are completely locked down. That is, not every person is leaving the house. Now, when people remain locked in their homes, the popular porn website has made its premium services free.

According to media reports, after Italy, Spain and France, free service has been done all over the world. The company said that the premium service will be free for the whole month to help you during the days of lock down. Not only this, now the company will donate a part of the income.

The porn website started in 2007. Pornhub also released a chart which showed that the number of people watching porn increased during lockdown. Traffic on this website has increased a lot. Porn website has been banned in India.

The corona virus has spread from the Wuhan city of China to the world. Many people have come in the grip of this virus in many countries including Europe and America. According to the World Health Organization, America is the most affected after China and Italy, where more than 54000 people have been infected. While 784 people have died.

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