Negligence on Corona / China market then starts selling dog, cat, bats and rabbit meat; Blamed Italy for infection
Beijing Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Then the world was engulfed. More than 34 thousand people died. China claims that it has overcome the situation. Perhaps this is the reason why animal markets have opened up again here. Dogs, cats, bats and scorpions are being sold openly. Dead bunnies and ducks are seen on stones covered with blood and dirt. Their skin has been removed. Looking at these markets, China seems to have learned no lessons from coronaviruses. Even now no standards have been set for cleanliness.

Banning of taking photos , Guilin province market opened from Sunday. The crowd is the same as before. People are sure that the corona infection is over and now there is nothing to worry about. The locals consider it as the problem of foreigners. The meat market in Donglin, Guilin has become the same. Only one thing has changed. There are guards stationed here who do not allow photographs to be taken.

People told – Corona came from Italy
, the first case of coronavirus came from a market in Wuhan. For several weeks, the authorities kept it under control. When 33-year-old Dr. Li Wenliang informed the world about the virus, he was arrested. After this, he also died of infection. Now the Chinese government is trying to prove that the infection did not spread from China. China’s social media platform Weibo is being claimed that Coronavirus first surfaced in Italy in November. Earlier, a Chinese army officer had accused the US Army of bringing the virus to China. Wuhan is now the only city in China where the lockdown has not been completely lifted. However, the claim is that on 8 April Wuhan will also come out of all restrictions and lockdown.