lockdown of Corona being taken lightly, youths were partying in Germany, people were dancing on the beaches of America; Now Indians on this path
New Delhi / New York / Milan. The people of India are now making fun of the lockdown. On the first Sunday, it was seen in many states, including Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, that some people came to the streets at 5 o’clock in the evening. They came out in procession and started playing thali, bell and conch. The tricolor was also hoisted at some places. While this was the time of social distancing. After this, in the districts where there is a lockdown on Monday, a large number of people were seen wandering outside the market and shopping in the market. Due to this, the lockdown in many districts is seen to be ineffective. People in India are seen taking Coronavirus and lockdown very lightly. Such people are not caring about themselves, nor others. Earlier this was seen in many countries of Europe, when the people there made fun of the lockdown. Now they have been paying the brunt of it.
Photo of lockdown in india

Photo of foreign …
Germany: The youth were having Corona parties at some places, making fun of the elderly
Consequences of Negligence: Coronavirus Cases 28,572 and Deaths 1,720

When the coronavirus started in Germany, the youth had done corona parties in many places. Many also deliberately cough up the elders. Was making a memento of Corona. Were commenting on people. Marcus Joeder, president of the southern province of Bavaria in Germany, says that Corona parties are still taking place here. Many youngsters are making fun of the elderly, they are also shouting Corona-Corona. There are many such groups here. German Chancellor Angela Merkel then banned more than two people from standing together, even if they were from the same family. Chancellor Merkel has also isolated herself. Merkel was exposed to a corona-infected doctor. However, Merkel was also seen shopping at a supermarket in Berlin a few days ago. His trolley contained wine and toilet paper.

France: Police fined for breaking lockdown, curfew imposed
Consequences of Negligence: Coronavirus Cases 16,018 and Deaths 674

France has a lockdown. Despite this, kite surfers, students and others were out on the beach to have fun. He was neither accepting the lockdown nor the doctors’ advice to stop the virus from spreading. In such a situation, the authorities had to take steps against them. France’s Interior Minister Christoff Castaner said that some people break the rules and consider themselves heroes, while this is not the case. These people are fools. They are becoming a danger to themselves and their own people. A large number of people were also going to parties and clubs. The government said that these antics of the people of the city could cause the coronavirus to reach the countryside and the sea, where it would be difficult to stop it. Because health services are not much better in these areas.
A walk on the banks of the river Seine has been prohibited in Paris. At the same time, night curfew has been imposed in the beach town of Nees. Policemen have now been deployed on the streets in France, which are preventing people from leaving their homes. Those who break the lockdown are being fined. A total of 17 thousand police personnel have been deployed. President Emmanuel Macron has announced a 15-day extension of the lockdown.

America: Youth in Florida were partying on the beach despite the restrictions, the governor said – you are not Superman or Superwoman
Consequences of Negligence: Coronavirus Cases 33,018 and Deaths 428

The Governor of Florida has closed all the beaches. Recently, students had a party at the beach here. Did dance too. While the government did not allow people to go to the beach. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Saturday that more than half of the corona virus cases reported in his state are between 18 and 49 years old. Warning the youth, he said that you are not a superman or superwoman, which Corona cannot be you. People in New York’s city parks were not following the rule of keeping distance from each other. After this, people have been banned from meeting and gathering here since Sunday night.

Italy: Despite the lockdown, people in Italy kept shopping, eating in restaurants, so the army was called
Consequences of Negligence: Coronavirus Cases 59,138 and Deaths 5,476

Italy has been overshadowed by taking Coronavirus lightly. The government declared a lockdown on 10 March. But it was not strictly followed. Despite the lockdown, in many cities of Italy, people went shopping, eating in restaurants, partying bars and bars in bars and clubs, roaming the market. Due to this, the Italian government has now deployed the army across the country, so that people do not get out of their homes. Lockdown was also not strictly followed in Lombardy, Italy. Here earlier the state government itself had agreed to relax it, but now the Lombardi president has said that the use of the army will help in imprisoning people at home.