Do You Wake Up With Neck Pain? You May Be Using The Wrong Pillow!
Neck pain: Choosing the right pillow is important as you spend one-third of your lifetime sleeping. A study conducted in 2008 shows that supportive pillow, when combined with regular exercise can help in reducing chronic neck pain better than hot or cold compresses, massages and other methods.
Neck pain: The kind of pillow you use influences how much neck pain or back pain you experience in a day. Neck pain induced by sleep can be because of using the wrong pillow. Sleeping on a wrong pillow can leave you with neck and back pain for weeks. Also, improper sleeping position could contribute to both back pain and neck pain. If you experience pain in your neck regularly and/or wake up tired in the morning, it could be because of disturbed sleep caused by using the wrong kind of pillow.
The right kind of pillow is one which supports both your back and neck during sleep. A pillow that is too hard or too tall or even too soft can put your neck in an odd position and cause back and neck pain. Ideally, your pillow should be such that it keeps your head slightly elevated and supports neck, back, head and shoulders as per your sleeping position.

Not using the right kind of pillow can disturb your sleep at night
Photo Credit: iStock
How to choose the right pillow for preventing neck and back pain?
1. Feather pillows
Feather pillows offer support to multiple sleeping positions and can prevent neck pain. Feather pillows are specially for those who toss and turn all night in sleep.
2. Spring pillows
Spring pillows can be really comfortable and help you in reducing neck pain. If you experience neck pain on a daily basis, then spring pillows should be your preferred choice.
3. Memory foam pillows
These pillows adjust according to multiple sleep positions. Memory foam pillows can give firm support to your neck, especially if you are a reckless sleeper.
4. Firm pillows
Some people find firm pillows extremely discomforting. But for others, it is the one big solution to constant neck and back pain. Firm pillows align your neck, back, head and shoulders. It can be helpful for people who change sides from back to their sides while sleeping.
Why is it important to choose the right kind of pillow?
Choosing the right pillow is important as you spend one-third of your lifetime sleeping. A study conducted in 2008 shows that supportive pillow, when combined with regular exercise can help in reducing chronic neck pain better than hot or cold compresses, massages and other methods.

Choosing the right pillow is important as you spend one-third of your lifetime sleeping
Photo Credit: iStock
People who use feather pillows should change it every year or once in two years. A memory foam pillow needs to be changed when you begin to experience pain or discomfort. Also, it is important to regular wash your pillows. This is especially important for people with allergies and asthma. Dry pillows on high heat after washing. It will help in killing dust mites.