Happy Promise Day 2020: Here are some best Messages, Quotes and Images that you can send to your partner on Promise Day! :)
Promise Day falls on the 5th day of Valentine’s week and is celebrated on 11th of February
The Valentine’s week started with Rose Day which was on February 7 followed by Propose Day on 8th, Chocolate Day on 9th, Teddy Day on 10th, Promise Day on 11th, Hug Day on 12th, Kiss Day on 13th and finally, the much awaited Valentine’s Day on 14th. Promise Day falls on the fifth day of the Valentine’s week and it is a day when couples make unbreakable promises to themselves and to each other. These promises signify their love and commitment to each other and their relationship.

Check out some promise day special quotes, messages which you can send to loved ones on this Promise Day 2020.
- ‘Every time I think of you I wonder that it’s a reality, not a dream. A reality that I actually Love you like an insane and I promise you to love same forever.’
- ‘I promise to keep you safe, I promise to treat you like my lucky star.’

- I love you without any intention, I care for you without any expectations, and I promise to keep you happy forever.
- Love is the happiness of today, and promise of tomorrow, so this warm note comes to you, to say that you are my life and I wish my life Happy Promise Day!

- Promise me you will be with me forever and always. Happy Promise Day!
- We have a lot of dreams to fulfil together. I promise that I’ll do my part with the best I can do, always and forever.

- I was directionless before I met you. You gave my life a new meaning, a new promise that I aim to keep for the rest of my life.
- You bring the best out of me. Stay in my life, we will make a heaven on Earth. Happy Promise Day baby!

- This promise day 2020, I am not making any promise because I promised to be in love with you when I saw you for the first time.
- No love story was ever so romantic and passionate. No promise was ever so effective. You and I are going to make history! Happy promise day!

- I’m so in love with you that loving you has become the meaning of my life.
- Everything else is just an illusion. Happy promise day!

- Even if I promise my whole world to you, it would be so little. You have given me so much love that can never be repaid.
- Every day I wake up with an aim of keeping my promise I made you long ago, the promise of loving you forever.

- You’re the reason why everything seems alright even when nothing is right. I love you for everything that you are. Happy promise day!
- Some things you don’t have to promise. You just do. – Quote by Rick Yancey

- Keep every promise you make and only make promises you can keep. – Quote by Anthony Hitt.
- Your promise means more than the words you use to give it. – Quote by Ron Kaufman

- Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless.
- Promises are only as strong as the person who gives them. – Stephen Richards

When you’re keeping promises well to loved one, you’re making your relationship stronger and them happier! Happy promise day guys!