Be cautious: Taking more protein will increase the risk of cancer
Protein is very important for healthy diet. Protein is very useful in strengthening muscles, weight loss and controlling appetite. While there are many benefits of taking protein in the diet, consuming more than a certain amount of protein every day increases the risk of serious diseases like cancer.

It has been learned in the study that high protein diet, especially protein derived from red meat, increases the risk of cancer. Researchers believe that fat and carcinogenic elements are found in red meat.

This study has been done by renowned biologist Walter de Longo of Italy with his team. Walter has also done several studies on nutrition, fasting and weight loss programs earlier.
According to this study, taking more protein in the diet increases the risk of cancer by 4 percent. Not only this, it has also been mentioned in this study that most people who eat red meat die of diabetes.

This study was done on 6,138 participants over the age of fifty years. The research and its results have been published in detail in the journal Cell Metabolism.