Mission / Sufia Khan of Ajmer ran from Kashmir to Kanyakumari to convey the message of brotherhood.
Ajmer / New Delhi. Ajmer’s ultra runner Sufia Khan in Rajasthan. He has set a world record by running 4035 km in 87 days. Sufia ran from Kashmir to Kanyakumari recently. The aim was to go to 22 cities of the country and meet people and give them the message of brotherhood, unity, peace and equality. Recently he has also got the Guinness Book of World Record certificate.

Sophia said that her target was to complete the race in 100 days. But he achieved this goal in 87 days. He said- ‘People of the city where I passed during my mission’ Run for Hope ‘greeted me. Ran with me too. ‘ According to Sufia, she worked in an airline company. But after some time he quit the job, so that he could focus on running.