fate line


Fate Line Palmistry: Your destiny line reveals much about your career, job and more…detail with pics

We often blame our fate saying that ‘it was not meant for me’ when we lose an opportunity. What if we could find out what our fate beholds? The fate line can reveal what will be the important trends in our life. By observing the Fate Line in both the palms, we can assess when we get the job, when there will be a promotion, when there will be a change in our career and how our earnings will be. Read on to know about your destiny…

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Palm line reading is the most important part of palmistry. People’s hand lines usually reveal individual personality and character traits.

In palmistry, there are mainly three major lines to read: Life Line, Head Line (also Wisdom Line) and Heart Line (also Love Line).

Besides, there are also some minor lines which are also important in palm line reading such as Marriage line, Fate line, Sun line, Children Line, Money Line, Health Line, Travel Line, Bracelet Line and Ring of Solomon.

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