The House would take a key step this week for the third stimulus check of $ 1,400 | The State

Democratic leaders in Congress.
Alex Wong / Getty Images
Part of the president’s $ 1.9 billion plan Joe biden it could pass its first test in Congress this week in the House of Representatives.
The plan is to advance the $ 1,400 direct dollars per person, in the middle of the debate among congressmen for the comprehensive plan against COVID-19.
“House Democrats are considering passing legislation next week with new money for vaccines (and) direct payments, an opportunity to put some points on the board.”, said Jake Sherman, a contributor to Politician.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy pelosi (California), and the Senate Majority Leader, Charles schumer (New York), are on the same channel about the new stimulus check. They do indeed support President Biden’s entire bill, but they face problems with some Democrats and a high number of Republicans.
One of the Republicans’ conditioning factors is that the money should not go to all Americans, but only to those directly affected by the pandemic.
Republican Senator Pat toomey (Pennsylvania) believes that the plan “would be a colossal waste and economically damaging” for the United States.
In the same vein, the Democratic senator Joe manchin (W.V).
“It’s time to target where the money is going”Manchin said.
The House vote could be positive for Democrats, as they have a sufficient, albeit limited majority.
The bill must be sent to the Senate, where the biggest problem lies, as has been advanced, given the 50-50 division with the only difference vote for Democrats in the voice of the vice president. Kamala harris.
Democrats require 60 votes, so they need to convince 10 Republicans.
Although President Biden wants approval of the plan as soon as possible, the White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, He acknowledged that this could take several weeks, perhaps early March.
“The package was designed with $ 1.9 billion as a starting point”, said. “This is a discussion, this is a conversation, and [el presidente Biden] it is not alien to the process of preparing the invoice… The initial package that is proposed is rarely integrated exactly ”.
There is no deadline as such, but if congressmen wanted to impose one it should be the end of March, when the protections and distribution of funds to unemployment of the $ 900,000 million aid plan end that allowed the sending of $ 600 dollars per person.