What does the Body Mass Index reveal about our health? | The State
Most of us are familiar with BMI, or Body Mass Index, and perhaps in a medical appointment we have received the measurement of this index to know if we are good of health. But does this procedure really reveal whether we are in physical well-being?
What is BMI and what are its controversies
It is a tool evaluation standard that is used in many health centers. It has long been the method reference for health according to size and weight of the person, and that is why he has also received strong critics according to what Healthline points out.
Those who criticize him allege that simplify much the concept or notions of what it is to be healthy. Others claim that it is obsolete, outdated and is inaccurate, and therefore should be discontinued.
This method was developed by a Belgian mathematician named Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet to calculate the degree of overweight and obesity that can lead to population specific.
His goal was to collaborate with governments in order to help them to get better regarding the distribution of means to improve health.
It is interesting to note that the BMI was not Useful for the study of people at the level individual, rather, its purpose was to give a perspective of health in general of a certain population.

How is BMI measured
The formula used to measure the BMI Its the divide the weight in kilograms times the height in meters squared. The formula, therefore, would be the following: weight kg / height m².
Other alternative is to calculate the weight in pounds between height in inches squared and multiply by 703. The formula would be the following: (weight (pounds) / height (in2)) x 703. Another option is to use calculators found on the internet.
Now after getting the Outcome the calculation is compared with the scale of BMI to check what rank weight lies.
This scale contributes to determine if the BMI range is the suitable or it could be at risk. Thus, the level less at 18.5 indicates a under weight, indicating that the risk of health is high. While the weight normal is between 18.5 and 24.9 and indicates that the health risk is low; instead, if the weight over 25, then it could be in the range of overweight / obesity.
Between the drawbacks are that this measurement does not take into account other factors like gender, race, age, and health issues. That is, the index does not take into account the context of people.
So in the context of someone whose BMI is within the normal weight range, even if their weight is the suitable, I do not want to say that joy Of good health.
That is why it is important to carry a diet appropriate, go to doctor frequently, and while it is true that weight and BMI play an important role, they are not the only indicators, so a review complete.
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