How do you know if you are getting enough vitamin C? | The State

According to the WHO, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C per day ranges from 90 to 120 mg per day (depending on the stage of life).
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The vitamin C is considered one of the most essential nutrients in the diet. Although we usually relate it directly to your role in disease prevention, especially colds and flu. The reality is that they exist dozens of biological functions that require the presence of this vitamin in the body.
At 15th and 16th century the lack of vitamin C, was responsible for thousands of cases of scurvy between sailors and other people who did not consume it. However currently deficiency it is relatively rare, especially in developed countries Due to the availability of fresh products and adding vitamin C in certain foods and supplements.
The vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water soluble nutrient found in certain foods. Its function in the body is important because acts as an antioxidant and this makes it indispensable for protect cells against the damage caused for the free radicals. Remember that free radicals are compounds that are formed when the body converts the food we eat in energy.
In such a way that the organism need vitamin C to protect against various external stimuli and for certain functions, such as collagen production, a protein necessary for wound healing. It is key to iron absorption and contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, protects the body from diseases and infections.
There are some risk factor’s with which vitamin C deficiency is associated, among the main ones stand out eat a bad diet, the alcoholism, the anorexia, certain serious mental illnesses, smoking and dialysis. While the symptoms of a vitamin C deficiency may take months to develop, there are some subtle signs who can advertise it.
Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency:
- Hair thinning and loss. Which is related to a lower collagen production and that is why the hair loses strength and vitality.
- Recurrent infections People with vitamin C deficiencies are significantly more likely to develop more infections, the reason is simple: it is an essential nutrient for good defense mechanism of the body and when pathogens are missing they attack more easily.
- Humor changes. We tend to ignore it or not know it, but vitamin C is directly related to emotional health. Their link is close and it is believed that good levels of vitamin C are related to mental stability, tranquility and a good hormonal balance.
- Chronic fatigue Low levels of vitamin C are involved in both the mood as in the energy levels, a clear symptom is feeling exhausted and not wanting anything.
- Wounds that heal with difficulty. Vitamin C is necessary for a correct oxygenation andcell repair, therefore its decrease prevents the wounds from healing normally. That is why it is quite normal for wounds or injuries superficial take longer to heal and bruises appear overnight.
- Pain. It is normal for pain to occur especially at muscle and joint level. Which is related to a less absorption of certain minerals, which depend on vitamin C.
- Cardiovascular diseases. According A study, the antioxidant action of vitamin C helps to maintain cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of developing diseases, also intervenes in a positive way in reducing the levels of cholesterol and glucose. On the other hand, vitamin C is essential for tissues and blood vessels
How much vitamin C a day?
According to information released by Mayo Clinic, the RDA for vitamin C for adults is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) a day, and the upper limit is 2000 mg per day. The good news is that it is one of the easiest nutrients to acquire through food, especially seasonal fruits and vegetables. Bet on the consumption of: citric fruits; oranges, grapefruits, limes, lemons and tangerines, he also drinks their juices, vegetables; Red peppers, broccoli, baked potatoes, spinach and tomatoes. Also found in other fruits like kiwi, strawberries, melon and pineapple. Additionally, today we have great supplements.