'Alleged lover' of Kanye West apologized to Kim Kardashian for 'having lied' | The State

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.
Valerie Macon / Getty Images
Since the first rumors began to circulate that Kanye west and Kim kardashian were on the brink of divorce, the rapper has been attributed several unconfirmed romances with other celebrities. First it was the popular makeup artist Jeffree star, with whom he assured that he had been unfaithful to the mother of his four children, although the ‘third in disagreement’ was quick to clarify that this story was false.
A few days ago, another star from TikTok, Cole Carrigan, claimed that he had met with the musician at a hotel of the chain W on a date set up by his former bodyguard, Steve Stanulis.
Now the young man – who has more than 300 thousand followers on the video platform – has publicly apologized to the couple after receiving a letter from Stanulis, who flatly denies his story, in which he threatens to take legal action against him. Although he has never acknowledged that the whole story was made up, he has admitted that his intention was to damage the reputation of Kanye as punishment for his political positioning in recent years.
“In order not to be sued and to end up in court, I have to apologize to Mr. West and Kim Kardashian West, so… Kim, if you’re watching this, I’m sorry. Honestly, I only did what I did because your husband voted for Donald Trump and we cannot tolerate that kind of antics in America., has stated Carrigan, who hopes the celebrity doesn’t hold too much grudge against her and sends her samples of her makeup collection.
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