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5 Reasons to Love Peanut Butter | The State

Eat peanut butter in moderation can be very healthy. It is a delicious food and nutritious and within a balanced diet it offers multiple health benefits. Since favoring weightloss, manage blood sugar levels and even improve heart health.

Peanut butter provides you with protein; it is a good source of vitamins E, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6; provides essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium and zinc; In addition, it also provides fiber and healthy fats. A 2 tablespoon (tablespoon) serving of peanut butter provides 7.02 grams of protein and 1.5 g of fiber.

1. Supports heart health

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The department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health notes that peanut butter can be very healthy. Peanuts contain mostly good fats, including oleic acid. The good fats can improve blood cholesterol levels, relieve inflammation and stabilize the heart rate.

WebMD also notes that peanuts are a natural source of arginine, an amino acid that can prevent heart and vascular disease by promoting the good functioning of the blood vessels.

2. Provides you with energy and promotes muscle development

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Peanut butter can give you a energy boost, is an easy way to increase your intake of calories and good fats. It also provides protein, which are essential for develop and repair muscles. This is why many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts include peanut butter in their diets.

Medical News Today notes that peanut butter on whole wheat bread It makes a more complete protein meal, as bread contains the amino acid methionine, which peanut butter lacks.

3. It can help you lose weight

weighing machine
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Foods high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, such as peanut butter, take longer to digest, which can cause us to feel fuller for longer and reduce the risk of overeating.

4. Helps control blood sugar levels

Diabetes test
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Peanuts are low in carbohydrates, have good amounts of healthy fats, protein, and a little fiber. These characteristics mean that peanut butter, with no added sugar, does not have a significant impact on blood glucose levels and it can be a good oOption for people with diabetes.

An observational study showed that women who ate peanut butter 5 times a week or more had a 21% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

5. Supports your memory

Photo: Raman Oza / Pixabay

He revestatrol in nuts and peanuts is related to neuron protection against oxidative damage and with the prevention of neuronal death. Like vitamin E, it can help improve cognition.

The Peanuts stand out because they contain high levels of niacin and they are a good source of Vitamin E, two nutrients that protect against cognitive decline age-related. Including peanuts in your diet can help prevent Alzheimer’s, according to Harvard researchers.

While peanut butter is healthy and nutritious, you should consume it in moderation to avoid unwanted weight gain. Try to consume peanut butter without added sugars, sodium, oils and fats. 100% natural butter is preferable.

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