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What to eat to lose weight while you sleep? | The State

When looking to lose weight, sleep is just as important as diet and exercise. So getting enough sleep is the first step.

Don’t downplay the dream

Your body also burns calories while you sleep. Insufficient or poor quality sleep slows down the metabolism, and thus the body can store unused energy in the form of grease.

Studies indicate that sleeping less than 5 to 6 hours per night is associated with a higher incidence of obesity. Sleeping 7-9 hours supports your overall health and helps you have energy.

Also, when you don’t get enough sleep, your levels of hunger hormones, ghrelin and leptin as well as stress hormone, cortisol, so it can increase your appetite.

What time to have dinner?

There is no specific time for dinner that is right for everyone. Nutritionist Sydney Greene points out in Eat This, Not That that “the goal is to finish have dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime ”.

When you train to gain muscle the rules change

When you are on a strength training program and trying to build muscle, a light snack rich in protein approximately an hour before bedtime.

Eating a protein-rich food with a little carbohydrates and nutrients, when exercise destroys muscles, will build your muscle mass and strength more effectively, according to dietitian Katherine Tallmadge in Live Science.

What to have for dinner?

Avoid large dinners with processed, fatty foods, added sugars, and simple carbohydrates like refined flour bread or white rice.

“If we eat carbohydrates, the blood sugar rises… If we don’t use that energy, since we go straight to bed, we will store those calories as fat”, Publishes The Halthy.

Also try to avoid caffeinated foods and drinks that can take your sleep away. He alcohol it also prevents you from having a good night’s sleep.

Harvard Obesity Prevention Source recommends the healthy plate with:

Half of your plate with vegetables (a colorful variety, no potatoes).

A quarter plate with whole grains (such as whole wheat, cut oats, brown rice, or quinoa)

A quarter plate healthy proteins, they are between them: Beans, fish, chicken, turkey, nuts, and seeds.

5 healthy foods for dinner

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is rich in protein (especially casein) and calcium. It is a food that you can include in your diet to lose weight, at the same time it helps you maintain and develop muscle mass.

Research reveals that eating protein can increase the number of calories you burn by increasing your metabolic rate and reducing your appetite.

Yogurt also helps you sleep better, it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is used to produce serotonin and melatonin that promote sleep.

Choose natural and unsweetened yogurt, either strained (Greek) or un-strained, although strained is lower in calories. You can enjoy a 3/4 cup serving of yogurt accompanied with berries like strawberries.

2. Oats

The oatmeal is rich in fiber, gives you satiety and promotes your sleep. Helps lower blood glucose and contains phenolic compounds and phytoestrogens that act as antioxidants to reduce the harmful effects of Chronic inflamation.

Oats also contain tryptophan, Choose natural oats with no added sweeteners. Add cinnamon and a little walnuts.

3 eggs

Eggs have several advantages. They cook fast, very nutritious, a good source of proteinThey are satiating and only provide 78 calories.

For a better sleep, the eggs contain melatonin, L-ornithine and vitamin D.

4. Hummus

The hummus is made with chickpeas, which are rich in fiber, protein, folic acid, iron, phosphorus and healthy fats. They help you keep your stable blood sugar levels and to feel satisfied.

Chickpeas also promote better sleep because they are rich in tryptophan, so your body can make serotonin.

5. Shake with skim milk

A milk-based shake provides protein for muscle repair and tryptophan, as published by Healtline. An 8-ounce (240 ml) shake with low-fat milk and pineapple contains on average about 160 calories.

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