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What does Mars Retrograde mean for YOUR star sign?


Celebrity astrologer Nicolas Aujula

Celebrity astrologer Nicolas Aujula

A celebrity astrologer has revealed how signs of the zodiac will react to the next few months of Mars Retrograde, which is known for ‘disrupting’ energy levels. 

The planet Mars is going into retrograde from September 9 until November 13, 2020, which Hollywood stargazer Nicolas Aujula laments will affect vitality, sex life and relationships, both at home and in the office.

‘Mars rules over your energy levels and how you jump into action. During retrograde this energy is limited and we begin to feel more irritation, frustration, anger and impatience,’ he told FEMAIL.

‘It is key that we know how to assert and clarify ourselves through meaningful action.’

Broadly speaking this retrograde will make the world more prone to conflict, protest, war and infections – a less than positive note in the midst of a global pandemic. 

‘Mars retrograde also forms a challenging 90 degree square with Saturn, the planet of hard work and order, so we’ll have to contend with extra restriction, uphill battles, and slowed progress,’ he said.

So what’s on the cards for you? 

Mars in retrograde for Aries will make their usual driven attitude feel a bit deflated (stock image)

Mars in retrograde for Aries will make their usual driven attitude feel a bit deflated (stock image)

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Mars in retrograde for Aries will make their usual driven attitude feel a bit deflated.

‘Mars can really dampen your personal energy so you might feel frustrated that you’re not achieving much, but it’s time to take it easy and be still,’ Nicholas said.

‘Issues around unresolved anger can come up. Confront those issues and channel your frustration through something physical, like boxing.’

What is Mars Retrograde?

Every 26 months or so, there are a couple of months when Mars’ position from night to night seems to change direction and move east to west, Nasa reported.

It’s an illusion, caused by the ways that Earth and Mars orbit the sun.

Earth moves faster than Mars – so much faster that it makes two laps around the Sun in as much time as it takes Mars to go around once.

Every two years Earth comes up from behind and overtakes Mars, which is called ‘retrograde motion’.

Source: NASA

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Your focus can fluctuate as you figure out what direction to put your efforts in.

There might be some confusion and lack of knowledge on what step to actually take.

‘Don’t rush, take your time. It can be a period to cut your losses and move away from those aspects that are not working out,’ Nicholas said.

‘There can be much to gain by retreating to take some spiritual reflection, so go within.’

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Friendships can become a source of conflict in retrograde for Geminis, where old wounds and disagreements come to a head.

You can find yourself not being assertive enough with certain friends and colleagues and you might question your needs over that of others. 

‘It’s essential to reclaim your place without stepping on too many toes,’ Nicholas said.

‘When you work with others, you can advance further than you would going it alone.’

Cancer: Avoid disagreements with superiors and colleagues... instead learn to see both sides of the story before reacting (stock image)

Cancer: Avoid disagreements with superiors and colleagues… instead learn to see both sides of the story before reacting (stock image)

Cancer: June 21 – July 22 

Your work life may encounter blocks and delays as things move at a snail’s pace. 

Use this time to revisit your career goals and see if they line up with where you are now. 

‘You can revisit past projects to rework details so they are more effective now,’ he said.

‘Job endings and beginnings might be on the horizon. Avoid disagreements with superiors and colleagues… instead learn to see both sides of the story before reacting.’

Leo: July 23 – August 22  

It’s time to see the bigger picture of your life rather than obsessing over small details, because you might be missing the point. 

‘To know where you are going it’s essential to see where you’ve been,’ Nicholas said.

‘Your desire to travel and see the world will be thwarted, rather than explore now it’s best to plan for the future.

‘Having to refresh your skills and knowledge can hugely benefit your path ahead.’

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Be mindful of spending as debt can be a problem for Virgos right now. 

Reduction in income or increased outgoings means having to reassess your finances. 

‘If you rely on others for help then it may not be available now,’ Nicholas said.

‘Realising what you need and what is important in life is essential. Sexual frustrations might be pent up, so find a solution by talking to your partner openly and explain what would make you happier between the sheets.’

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Relationships may experience confrontation and issues that have been previously brushed under the carpet. 

‘It’s time to talk rather than argue to reassess your romantic needs and get a greater balance of compromise in your relationship,’ he said.

‘Standing up for yourself is key to voice what you need to be happy, otherwise you’ll be heading for the hills.’

'It's time to talk rather than argue to reassess your romantic needs and get a greater balance of compromise in your relationship,' he said (stock image)

‘It’s time to talk rather than argue to reassess your romantic needs and get a greater balance of compromise in your relationship,’ he said (stock image)

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

The way you work will need restructuring and rethinking so adopting new ways forward will become the norm.

It’s time to embrace innovation and technology, Nicholas said.

‘Your personal energy can fluctuate so it is essential to pace yourself and delegate where necessary. Embracing health-improving practises and good nutrition can improve wellbeing.’

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

This season might be a time for Sagittarius to rekindle past romances or hear back from ex flames, which will bring a temporary passion into your life. 

It won’t be long-lasting but will give you closure and understanding.

‘Rather than focus on one thing during this time, focus on as many as you can,’ Nicholas said.

‘Whilst you won’t finish them all, in the process you will find something fulfilling and rewarding.’

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Creating the right foundations is key to making progress now, otherwise things will come crashing down. 

‘Don’t overlook the finer details, take your time and be patient with endeavours,’ Nicholas said.

‘Conflict with family and those you live with can be consuming. Issues from the past can surface now that need addressing. 

‘Rather than being passive aggressive in your responses take a diplomatic approach and talk things through with a clear mind.’

'Conflict with family and those you live with can be consuming. Issues from the past can surface now that need addressing,' he said (stock image)

‘Conflict with family and those you live with can be consuming. Issues from the past can surface now that need addressing,’ he said (stock image)

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Ideas and plans you make tend to not be properly thought out leading to wasted effort.

Don’t be deflated, just put more thought into whatever it is you’re doing before acting. 

‘Be more organised by keeping lists and schedules to get things done,’ he said.

‘Your communication tends to be too direct, which is great for work, but your personal life can suffer. Be more cool headed.’

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Be mindful of your spending and delay any major financial decisions until this phase is over. 

Impulse spending over things you later realise you don’t need leads to waste. 

‘Revisit your budget, list your in goings and out comings to fully understand spending. Keep money aside for a rainy day as there will be unexpected costs ahead,’ he said.


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