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NYC police union boss tells Mayor de Blasio to quit by sundown because he ‘ruined’ the Big Apple 


The head of a New York City police union has called on Mayor Bill de Blasio to ‘give 8 million people a gift’ and quit by sundown Friday because he has ‘ruined’ the Big Apple.

Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins laid into the Democrat mayor on Twitter Friday telling him it would ‘save the city’ if he resigned from his post.   

‘We need to hear you RESIGNED as Mayor of NYC,’ Mullins tweeted. 

‘We are WAITING. Only a few hours left until sundown. Give 8 million people a gift & quit. You ruined NYC, Save the City and step down.’ 

His comments come after de Blasio axed $1 billion from the NYPD budget while crime rates in the city soar with shootings up 87 percent so far in 2020 compared to the same time last year. 

Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins

Mayor Bill de Blasio

Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins (left) has called on Mayor Bill de Blasio (right)  to ‘give 8 million people a gift’ and quit by sundown Friday because he has ‘ruined’ the Big Apple

Mullins called on de Blasio to quit in response to the mayor’s tweet earlier Friday where he slammed the Republican National Convention for spreading ‘lies about the greatest city in the world’ and launched an attack on Donald Trump.  

‘What did we need to hear this week? Plans to fight COVID-19 and get Americans back to work. What did we hear? Lies about the greatest city in the world and one of the most diverse places on Earth,’ de Blasio tweeted. 

‘Because @realDonaldTrump is afraid of diversity. He’s afraid of true greatness.’  

Mayoral press secretary Bill Neidhardt leaped to de Blasio’s defense following Mullins social media comments and said he does not speak for the people of New York. 

‘Ed Mullins and RNC speaker Pat Lynch do not represent the views of most New Yorkers, let alone rank-and-file,’ Neidhardt tweeted.

‘They’re a disgrace to the labor movement. Their embrace of a racist President shows how ill-equipped they are to serve a diverse city and a majority-minority force.’  

Police union chief Mullins laid into the Democrat mayor on Twitter Friday telling him it would 'save the city' if he resigned from his post

Police union chief Mullins laid into the Democrat mayor on Twitter Friday telling him it would ‘save the city’ if he resigned from his post

His comments come in response to the mayor's tweet earlier Friday where he slammed the Republican National Convention for spreading 'lies about the greatest city in the world' and launched an attack on Donald Trump

His comments come in response to the mayor’s tweet earlier Friday where he slammed the Republican National Convention for spreading ‘lies about the greatest city in the world’ and launched an attack on Donald Trump


  • Shooting victims +87%
  • Shooting incidents +95% 
  • Murders +35%
  • Burglary +43% 
  • Grand larceny auto +60%
  • Rape -25%
  • Robbery -0.7%
  • Felony assault -3.7% 

De Blasio came under fire from a number of speakers at the RNC’s closing night Thursday as Trump tried to claw in votes from New Yorkers ahead of the November election.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani – who served as one of Trump’s lawyers during his impeachment trial – said de Blasio ‘prevented the police from making arrests.’

Guiliani has long credited his own policies for New York’s turnaround from a high crime city to a major drop-off in the 90s, however critics point out crime was already in decline before he took office.  

The NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association president Pat Lynch also laid into de Blasio at the RNC and decried that the city is headed for ‘disaster’. 

‘We are staring down the barrel of a public safety disaster. More than 1,000 people have been shot in New York City so far this year, almost 300 have been killed,’ he said in his prerecorded segment. 

‘These are not just numbers, these are real people’.  

The PBA – which represents around 24,000 NYPD officers and is the largest law enforcement union in the state – publicly endorsed Trump earlier this month, marking the first time in at least three decades that the union has endorsed a presidential candidate.    

SBA’s Mullins and de Blasio have also locked horns several times in the past, with the mayor last month branding Mullins a ‘liar’ after Mullins criticized his handling of protests in the city.

Back in February, Mullins declared ‘war’ on de Blasio and blamed him for anti-cop sentiment after cops were shot in an attack in the Bronx.

De Blasio came under fire from a number of speakers at the RNC's closing night Thursday including Pat Lynch, President of the NYPD's Police Benevolent Association union

De Blasio came under fire from a number of speakers at the RNC’s closing night Thursday including Pat Lynch, President of the NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association union

Fears are mounting that the Big Apple is headed back to the dark days of the 70s and 80s when crime and poverty was rife as the city has been rocked by a spate of violence in recent months and large swathes of the richest residents – who vacated the city when it became the global virus epicenter back in March – have fled for good.  

Meanwhile, widespread business closures, a lack of employment opportunities and support services shuttered for months during the city’s coronavirus lockdown has forced more New Yorkers onto the streets and homeless encampments have now been set up on all corners of Manhattan. 

Violent crime has become a daily occurrence, with stark NYPD citywide data revealing shootings have increased 87 percent so far this year compared to the same timeframe in 2019.  

A staggering 280 people have been murdered in the city between the start of the year and August 23, up by 35 percent from the 208 murders by the same time last year.

Burglaries are up 43 percent and car theft up 60 percent.  

In the three-day period from last Friday until Sunday, there were eight homicides.

During the same period last year, there was just one. 

In one shocking incident, an innocent bystander was shot in broad daylight in Brooklyn while he walked to a store with his wife to buy toothpaste. 

New York cops investigate the scene of a shooting in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn last month

New York cops investigate the scene of a shooting in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn last month

Last week, an innocent bystander was shot in broad daylight in Brooklyn while he walked with his wife to buy toothpaste from a nearby store

Doctors fear he will never walk again after the bullet struck his spine

Last week, an innocent bystander was shot in broad daylight in Brooklyn while he walked with his wife to buy toothpaste from a nearby store. Doctors fear he will never walk again after the bullet struck his spine

However, the NYPD data also reveals that overall crime has fallen by 2.4 percent year to date. 

To tackle the surge in crime, the NYPD is upping weekend patrols citywide.

All uniformed officers below the rank of captain who normally have the weekend off will be deployed to the streets of the five boroughs beginning Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported. 

An NYPD memo announcing the new policy attributed the change ‘to the combination of increased violence, ongoing protests, COVID-19 restrictions and reduction to overtime funding’ at the department. 

De Blasio has insisted the city is bringing the crime wave under control and described the spike in shootings and murders as ‘a temporary reality caused by a perfect storm of temporary problems’. 

In June, the mayor cut $1 billion from the NYPD’s $6 billion budget as calls to ‘defund’ the police grew from Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of the Memorial Day ‘murder’ of black man George Floyd in Minneapolis. 

Shocking footage circulated on social media of NYPD cops violently attacking protesters gathered to demand an end to police brutality and racism.  

In one video in early June a police cruiser was seen deliberately ramming into a group of protesters in Brooklyn.

Another showed a cop pulling his handgun and pointing it at peaceful protesters in Manhattan. 


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