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Now WHO also acknowledged, China’s Wuhan’s big role in Corona outbreak

Geneva.  After much debate and criticism, the World Health Organization (WHO) finally acknowledged that China’s Wuhan weight market has played an important role in the corona virus epidemic. WHO has accepted that live animals are sold in this market and due to this, the right environment could be found for the virus to flourish.

But with this, WHO has also said that more research is needed in this direction. Along with this, the organization also said that this does not mean that such markets in the world should be closed.

At the WHO press briefing, Food Safety and Animal Disease Expert Peter Ben Mbark said that live animals sold in markets provide livelihood to millions of people all over the world. In such a situation, the authorities need to pay more attention to them and not stop them.

Despite this, these markets can sometimes cause epidemics in humans. Ben Mbark said that in such an environment, food security is very difficult and in such a situation one should not be surprised that sometimes such incidents are happening inside the markets.

Ben has said that animals should not reach epidemic in humans, this is possible only when standards of better hygiene and food safety are followed, including keeping animals alive from humans. Ben also said that it is not yet clear whether the cause of the dozens of cases exposed in Wuhan, China, or whether its role was minimal in spreading the virus.

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WHO Ben has said that investigations are going on in China to find out from which animal Kovid-19 has reached humans. But in some other studies, many types of animals are suspected to be sick, including cats, tigers and dogs.

It is also a fact that till date China has not called the WHO or any other country for investigation. Ben has said on this that China has enough expertise to do such a study. WHO does not see any problem in this if China wants to make contact with other people.

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